London yoga studios

Mimi Kuo-Deemer is leading a five-day Vinyasa flow teachers’ immersion in Camden this October 2019. Ahead of her training, we

iRest yoga nidra teacher training provides students with far more than solid tools to teach integrative yoga nidra. Over this

Cyndi Lee speaks to the mind body relationship and what it means to be radically inclusive with ourselves and everything

Ahead of our advanced teacher training programme, starting this April, we catch up with our faculty members to discuss the

If you’re a yoga teacher or a teacher in training, chances are you’re considering the many ways of expanding your

Over time we find that as our own body’s needs change, so does that of our students and clients, and

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher Naomi Absalom, Anna Ashby and Jean Hall are three of triyoga’s highly experienced teachers

With her Kundalini yoga teacher training in London coming up in February 2019, we caught up with Gurmukh on her

Find out why joining an Advance Yoga Teacher training will benefit your students
Find out why joining an Advance Yoga Teacher training will benefit your students
Find out why joining an Advance Yoga Teacher training will benefit your students

Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher Jason Crandell is an internationally renowned Vinyasa teacher who delivers his highly sought-after teacher

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