London yoga studios

With the Chinese and Lunar New Year starting tomorrow, this weekend is the time to manifest any intentions and to

Image source: Handful of Sunshine These little beauties can be the antidote to the perennial pull of omnipresent piles of

By now, you’ve probably heard of hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) – the Danish concept of “creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying

Introducing the wonderful therapists joining us this Autumn and the therapies they offer, including sound massage, medical podiatry, nutritional therapy

Curious to try a new treatment to alleviate stress, anxiety or another ailment? Here are our suggestions for which treatment

The changing of the seasons is a notorious time for colds and flus. Our therapy manager Jo always relies on

We wanted to bring you insights from some of our in-house therapists, including naturopathy with Susan Nove. Susan will be

  A power-glass of nourishing antioxidant rich nutrients, this tasty smoothie will keep you smiling from the inside out. Helping

‘I loved Vanessa’s approach to the cleanse. It was a complete detox with so much guidance, support and the most

Although Christmas and New Year was wonderful (or so we hope) and indulgent (or so we also hope), the January

Easter membership

You’ll get unlimited classes, at all of our locations, plus loads of member perks.

And the best part, get 15% off every month. At the end of the 3 months, feel free to break it off. Get your hands on our new Unlimited Membership (3-month term) now.

Available for a limited time only.

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£250 per month

Studio Passes can be used at any triyoga, Barrecore, KOBOX, or Boom Cycle location in London.

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