London yoga studios

In January 2019, we’re once again welcoming special guest teacher Gahl Sasson to triyoga to teach his weekend of astrology

With her Kundalini yoga teacher training in London coming up in February 2019, we caught up with Gurmukh on her

Author, therapist, and international speaker, Anodea Judith, will be coming to triyoga at the end of this month. Ahead of

This month CPress talk to us about all things rejuvenation. Summer may have cooled off a little for the time-being,

This blog post on energy couldn’t have come at a better time. We had always scheduled it in with our

“The only source of knowledge is experience,” according to Albert Einstein. So, if you are a dedicated Ashtanga yoga practitioner

Everything that is alive moves. Yet for women trying to conceive, or in early pregnancy, they may feel that their

The popularity of cold exposure has increased over the last few years. Whether it is through cryotherapy or cold water

This makes me deeply and irrevocably angry. I’ve been a psychologist for 25 years: inpatient hospitals on the South Side

As many of you know I am big into shadow work. I have been doing personal work with my shadow

Hello! We hope you’ve become acquainted with CPress who are heading up our café spaces at triyoga Chelsea, Shoreditch and

Jill turned to yoga over 30 years ago as a successful effort to heal from a debilitating physical condition coupled

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£250 per month

Studio Passes can be used at any triyoga, Barrecore, KOBOX, or Boom Cycle location in London.

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