London yoga studios

  Cosmetic Acupuncture also known as Facial Rejuvenation is a safe, gentle and natural anti-aging practice to enhance beauty and

Mothers spend a lifetime endlessly caring for us, so what better way to show your appreciation for yours than by

1. aromatherapy massage Aromatherapy massage uses essential oils, derived from plants, to affect your mood and alleviate pain. In aromatherapy

Although Christmas and New Year was wonderful (or so we hope) and indulgent (or so we also hope), the January

1. hot stone massage A deeply relaxing and detoxifying treatment, which involves the use of heated basalt lava stones and

Ziggie Bergman, who has worked with some of the most beautiful women in the world, has created a new beauty

‘I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.’ (author unknown) As the nights draw in and seeing

by Kate Cheung Read on for an personal insight into Solution Orientated Therapy, how it helped Kate and also how

As London embraces autumn and edges towards winter with its accompanying illnesses, our immune systems need to kick into a

We’d all love the life of a pro-athlete or celebrity, surrounded by a team of support to keep us moving

‘The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.’ – B.K.S. Iyengar Not

Maya Medicine is a comprehensive system of natural medicine that has flourished in traditional Maya culture for over two thousand

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