by Kate Cheung
Read on for an personal insight into Solution Orientated Therapy, how it helped Kate and also how it can help you.
I first discovered this type of therapy in 2008 in Melbourne Australia. It was a spring afternoon and on the recommendation of my friends mother, a friend and I went along to what we thought was a group meditation. My friend’s mother is indigenous to Australia and part of the stolen generation, she had been told that this form of meditation was very powerful for healing ancestral pain.
We were expecting to join a group of people and meditate for the afternoon and on some level that is what we did, however it was much more experiential than that. In addition to experiencing a deep sense of calm and presence from the minute the space was open, I had the opportunity to be of service to another person’s healing and also heal something within myself at the same time. After the session I felt a huge shift, a lightness and felt I had healed something very deep below the surface, yet with very little processing or pain.
All personal situations are kept strictly confidential so whilst I cannot divulge on the exact scenario that we were there to address, what I can say is that the facilitator invited one participant to bring his problem to the group, she then began look back into his history, through generations and call in particular people to represent these family members – for those of you that are reading and thinking you would never be inclined to speak publically about your most intimate worries or put yourself in a group situation to address them, do not fret, you can also work in a similar way on a one to one with a facilitator which I went on to do after this experience. I will say though that the group session was incredible the collective energy added a different dynamic, words were spoken and feelings cleared. My understanding is that this work is looks at the systemic root of a problem, and works on the belief that the issues we experience today are based on the events that have occurred in the past, sometimes going back generations, if you have read any of Bruce Lipton’s work there is now scientific evidence that suggests we have cellular memory, if we can clear past upsets, fears or pains my belief is that we can in turn shift the way we react and act in situations today.
Shortly after my first encounter with this work I went on to participate in several sessions for other people, it helped me to connect with a deeper sense of reality and meet a need I had to really feel like I was helping others. I also booked some one-to-one sessions. I had been living away from the UK for many years and wanted to address some feelings of guilt and being unsupported and bring more harmony into my close relationships. Profound shifts in my relationships followed that year. The situation that surprised me the most was that out of the blue my sisters and my mother decided that we should all to get together for a family holiday. This is the first time that had happened in many years.
Since this time I have gone back to this form of therapy at times of trouble and have found it to be a fast and effective way to bring about change in situations which have otherwise felt stuck.
I wanted to share my story with the triyoga community to give you a bit of background in to my experience with this work. We are very lucky to have Nicola Dunn here facilitating this at triyoga. I had a session with Nicola when she first started and cant rate her highly enough as an amazing facilitator and ambassador for this powerful modality. All I can say is no problem is too big or too small. If you are looking to bring about change in your life and are open to new ways of doing so, you would be in very safe and experienced hands exploring this type of work with Nicola.
Best of Luck,
Experience Solution Orientated Therapy for yourself with Nicola Dunn on Monday mornings at triyoga Camden. For more information and to book an appointment click here.