London yoga studios

Spring has arrived. For some, it’s a time when seasonal allergies come to the surface causing itchy eyes, runny noses

Who doesn’t love a good massage? That wonderful feeling of release and relaxation in the whole body. That sweet sensation

The idea that our life energy can be enlivened by the power of touch is not new; it can be

Believe it or not – it’s an inside job. The key to cleansing any space is to raise the vibration.

Have you noticed the light start to return? The snowdrops are out, the harbinger of Spring. From a Chinese perspective,

Maxine Shorto is an Ayurvedic therapist who is offering online consultations to support our wellbeing. in this blog Maxine explores

How do you use your breath to become more aware, relaxed and positive? Well, the simple and straightforward answer is

I’m writing this on time to talk day, a day when we’re encouraged to speak about mental health. So what

Ayurvedic practitioner Maxine Shorto shares her experience of post viral fatigue. You can book an online ayurvedic consultation with Maxine

January can be a tough month – it can be difficult to get going in the morning, or to find

We are thrilled to announce the wonderful Adriane Roman will be bringing Lymphatic Drainage Massage to triyoga. This is a

According to Dzogchen teachings, the Mother, the female principal of energy, is at the heart of everything. Female energy is

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£250 per month

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