‘You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.’ – Galileo Galilei (1564 –

Ahead of her upcoming online myoyin workshop on 26 August 2020, Ruth Voon shares the basics and benefits of myoyin

Jamie Clarke – celebrated yoga teacher and founder of The Yoga People – is teaching a weekend of workshops next

Yin yoga is one of the fastest-growing and most practised styles of yoga worldwide. Hear its origin story straight from

Yin yoga is a stilling practice that cultivates a deep sense of awareness through the release of mind and body

Yin yoga and Vinyasa Flow are two yoga styles that can be seen as living on opposite sides of the

As life gets busier and busier, more and more of us are looking to practice quieter styles of yoga to

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300-hour teacher training

Deepen your practice and develop your teaching on our advanced 300-hour Vinyasa Teacher Training led by Michael James Wong with Mia Togo, Dr. Chetna Kang, Dimuthu Fonseka and Jambo Truong. This training is dedicated to exploring the practice through the lens of the physical practice, the intelligent practice and the quiet practices of yoga.

300 hour teacher training led by Michael James Wong in partnership with Triyoga.

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