Image source: Corrie Ananda Preece
We’re kicking off 2017 by featuring a different class style each week with our ‘everyone try yoga’ campaign. We wanted to have some fun with ashtanga this week – so, we asked a few of our ashtanga teachers what makes someone a serious ashtangi.
You know you’re a serious ashtangi when…
12. Breaking and entering is acceptable because you’re just getting into practice
11. You try every source of caffeine from yerba mate to cacao to matcha because coffee’s “bad”, but you NEED caffeine to wake up at 4am, bust out a two-hour practice and get through your usual working day
10. You know what a “ladies holiday” is, and you try to sync your “ladies holiday” with the new or full moon to minimise rest days
9. You turn up at the Shala in the dark, but it’s closed because you forgot it’s a moon day
8. You have a permanent sore on your back from learning Garbha Pindasana
7. You can tolerate the person next to you dripping their smelly garlic-and-onion-sweat onto your mat and YOU (because they’re a “healthy vegetarian”)…. and still smile
6. 6.00pm feels like 11.00pm because you’ve been up since 4.00am
5. You refuse to leave the house after 7.00pm because… well, that’s just the middle of the night!
4. You do four rounds of Navasana (but five when your teacher is watching)
3. You glare at people in vinyasa classes when they drink water
2. You have a one pack (not a six pack) abdomen
And the number one sign that you’re an ashtangi is…
1. When you dream about your practice
Try any ashtanga yoga class this week and tell us what you think on social media with #everyonetriyoga. You could win a spot on a workshop with Harmony Slater, Philippa Asher or another ashtanga teacher.