Why do a beginner’s course?
Beginners courses help build your practice week by week, creating a safe and fun way to learn. They are especially designed for students new to yoga who want to start with beginners course, and also to students who simply feel they could use a refresher before going (back) to practice. You will receive personal attention from an experienced teacher and will work at a pace that ensures learning. Our beginners’ courses provide an introduction from which you can build and improve posture, refine breathing, tone and strengthen the body, improve flexibility and foster a greater ability to cope with stress.
inversions: conquering your fear – a 4 week course with Natalie Gartshore
starts Monday 4th September, 7.15 – 8.30pm, soho
price £60
This 4 week course will focus on headstand, shoulder stand, forearm stand, handstand and arm balances. They each require a different set of strength, balance and flexibility. We’ll break these postures down into the building blocks for the full poses, modify when necessary, and utilise conditioning/strength in how you move through basic yoga postures – all things you can take into your daily practice. We will learn where we need strength, flexibility, and alignment for the most efficient way to achieve weightless balance. Natalie has been teaching yoga full time for over 10 years. She has been happily hand balancing for the last 8 years and owes her perfectly straight handstand to Dutch acrobats Fons and Niko, and the renowned gymnast and circus performer Sianna. For her ability to turn handstanding into a creative moving meditation she gives thanks to Ed Clarke of Tripsichore.
yoga foundation: a 6 week course with Karin Schijvers
starts Saturday 9th September, 10.00 – 11.00am, chelsea
price £90
This 6 week foundation course focuses on increasing your familiarity with standard yoga poses and sequences. You can expect basic yet well-rounded sequences that will revisit and expand on the alignment points, Sanskrit names and breathing cues of the fundamental yoga poses. Most of all you can expect to build up your confidence in a safe and welcoming environment. Karin teaches slow-flowing alignment classes that always have a clear intention, and her knowledge of anatomy and yoga philosophy is embedded in carefully planned sequences that are accessible to all student levels.
pilates for beginners: a 6 week course with Charlotte Comer
starts Monday 11th September, 7.45 – 8.45pm, chelsea
price £75
The course builds progressively over 6 weeks, introducing you to the basics of the Pilates system of exercise, designed to give you strength, coordination, correct body alignment, powerful abdominals and a unity of mind, body and spirit. Pilates improves your posture and increases flexibility, working the deeper muscles in a focused manner, to strengthen core postural muscles and develop correct body alignment. Introducing the basics of breathing, movement and posture, we recommend that all those new to Pilates complete a triyoga course. Charlotte has been studying Pilates for over 20 years. She began her movement training studying ballet from a young age and then performing as part of a contemporary dance company. Throughout her career she has used Pilates as an integral part of her training and then after a serious accident part of her rehabilitation program.