Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practiced in China and other Eastern countries for over 3,000 years. It is based upon principles which aim to achieve balance and harmony within the body. Needles are gently inserted into carefully selected points on the channels of the body to stimulate the healing process. Acupuncture is now incorporated into NHS services. Some of the conditions that can be treated by Acupuncture are: Stress, anxiety, panic attacks, weight loss, fertility issues, back pain, insomnia, migraines and addiction. To mark acupuncture and oriental medicine day on the 24th October, we’ve put together a list of fun facts about this remarkable treatment.
Did you know…
- Originally acupuncture needles were not made of stainless steel but of stone bamboo and bone.
- The word acupuncture comes from the Latin ‘acus’ (needle) and ‘pungere’ (to prick).
- Acupuncture is over 5,000 years old and us one of the oldest practising forms of medicine known to date.
- Even though a needle is being inserted into the skin, acupuncture is virtually painless.
- Acupuncture is just one form of therapy used within the medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, which also consisted of other modalities such as herbal medicine, nutrition, physical therapy and exercises such as Tai Chi and Qigong.
Acupuncture is currently available at triyoga with Gill Croft, Paula Jones, Tom Watson and Maria Christofi. book now