The inspiration behind this season’s schedule change was to help you cultivate a regular practice, whatever that may look like for you. That’s because it’s through consistent, long-term practice that we can start to access the true, powerful benefits of yoga. Now you might be asking: how do I actually do it? We got some of our teachers to provide advice on how to get started and, crucially, keep going…
“I am a true believer that we need to view the practice as a regular part of our wellness and health day-to-day order — like brushing our teeth. Once in a blue moon you might come home, pass out on the bed, and forget to brush your teeth. But you’re not going to do it again the next night and then the next. Same with yoga: you do it because. That’s it. Adopt that attitude and things start to transform.” – Mona Lisa Godfrey, vinyasa flow teacher in Chelsea. Click here to practise with Mona.
“Keeping a practice journal is important. I note down mantra or meditation focus of that time, goal poses, imbalances in body need to address. I add in beautiful quotes, drawings, to do lists in addition so it’s a messy living breathing journal… not at all precious or neat!” – Jessica Stewart, vinyasa flow teacher in Shoreditch. Click here to practise with Jessica.
“Just commit yourself to getting on your mat and doing something simple. Maybe a sun salutation or two, or if you don’t know that yet, just 3 poses you remember. You’ll soon find that 1 sun salutation will turn into 2, then into some other poses and before you know it, you’ll have done a full practice and be enjoying a blissful savasana. From small seeds grow big trees!” – Chris Carmona, anusara teacher in Ealing. Click here to practise with Chris.
“I have a thermos of strong tea next to my bed (prepared the night before) when my alarm goes off I pour my tea, drink it until the caffeine hits, then get up and out.” – Corrie Ananda Preece, Mysore style ashtanga teacher in Shoreditch. Click here to practise with Corrie.
There you have it – straight from the experts – how to get the most out of your practice. Click here to go to our class schedule and get started. Be sure to share your own tips for keeping a good habit alive by posting a story on Instagram and tagging us @triyogauk – we’ll feature our favourites.