teacher focus: Alexandria Crow

If you could be remembered for one thing what would it be?

That I tried with all my might to practice what I preach, that I was courageous enough to admit my errors and faults and that I worked hard to always do better as I learned more. That I got up and continued to try, over and over and over. I guess that’s more than one but I can never seem to follow the rules through and through, hahaha.

What top three things are on your bucket list?

This is a funny one because I’ve done a lot of things that end up on bucket lists already. I’m one of those people who just do things. I try not to let things sit in an undone way, or allow myself to feel like I’ve failed or procrastinated so I don’t really have a bucket list so to speak.

What’s your favourite quote?

Teddy Roosevelt was not at all perfect. That said, the Man In The Arena quote is one of my favorite and contains the same sentiment that I would like to be remembered for.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” –  Theodore Roosevelt

What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to?

My Dad and my partner Zach. My Father taught me a work ethic that is sound and dedicated. He’s the one that taught me to keep trying. He taught me no one is too good for any job and no one deserves success nor is financial gain the true measure of success. He taught me to work for work’s sake and to do that work in an attempt to do it better as time goes on. Zach taught me that I am valuable for far more than I ever thought and that what gives me value is nothing superficial. Instead my value is rooted in my desire to be of service to others, to speak up, to be bold and courageous, and to trust that nothing about me needs fixing except thinking I need to be fixed. What he’s taught me has allowed me to be vocal and strong in relation to some tough issues in the yoga world. With his help I’ve been able to often times say what needs to be said bluntly and with compassion even when it’s not popular and often when no one else but me will.

What do you think your future self will remember about you now?

That I was following my intuition even when I didn’t know where it would take me and even when it was scary. Maybe in hindsight the path I’m walking down that currently seems untouched and unmarked, will be clear and will have helped make some change that will have been of use.

What one book would you recommend reading?

Let’s Talk Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris. It’s hilarious and I love to laugh. It had me laughing out loud, loudly, on a plane when I read it. So loudly people were looking at me but I didn’t care and frankly couldn’t stop.

Who would you most want to be on a desert island with?

Zach, my partner. He’s my life long best friend.

What is the secret to a happy and fulfilled life?

Oh wow, I’m not sure I know! Doing what you do, knowing what you’re good at, trying new things, knowing failure is worth it, celebrating the small things, feeling the pain of loss. I guess experiencing it all is what makes it fulfilling.

Where is your happy place?

Anywhere so long as there is the possibility of laughter.

If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest impact on humanity?

Wow you’re going big here! Hmmm…. Sometimes what needs to be done or said isn’t what will be liked or greeted pleasantly. I wish people knew that sometimes the kindest thing to do is something that doesn’t feel fluffy or rosy.

Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?

Well, both can be useful but wisdom I’d say. Wisdom rooted in inquiry and experience. Application of information in a wise way is what I find useful.

What life-altering things should every human ideally get to experience at least once in their lives?

Failure. I think failure is a vital lesson that we try to protect people from these days. Failing is one of the experiences that has been of the greatest value to me.

What two questions would you ask to get the most information about who a person truly is?

  1. When there’s something going on that you see as problematic do you first ask yourself how others are responsible for that outcome or how you are contributing to and responsible yourself?
  2. Are you willing to admit that you don’t know enough and that you still make mistakes even for a topic you are seen as an expert on?

What is the biggest waste of human potential?

The inability to see that the unseen and often thankless work is immensely valuable, often far more than what is seen and awarded.

How do you define consciousness?

I see therefore I am, although I am not seen. If that makes any sense at all.

What causes the most harm in the world, but is completely avoidable?

Forcing or manipulating others to do what you want them to. Blanket applying of ‘everyone should xyz’ for things that are completely individual and personal. Like everyone should eat in xyz way, or everyone should believe in this faith, etc.

Has social media been a net positive or a net negative for our society? Why?

Oh that’s in constant flux. I think it’s been a positive in connecting people from far and wide in an easier way but it’s a negative in that there is no vetting of information and in that the pace moves so fast. Also the content is edited by algorithm so it’s slanted to support your current vantage point and not necessarily to challenge it.

To what extent do you shape your own destiny and how much is down to fate?

Well, destiny to me is doing what you are capable of doing with great skill based on your unique set of skills and attributes. Fate is just what happens and it could be because choices are based in doing things with great skill but having expectations or making choices blindly and being surprised by the outcome. I think all we have is choice, what comes next isn’t really within our control, only our reaction and next choice is.

Join Alexandria in Soho from 6th – 8th April for a weekend of congruence: where intention + outcome meet. Click here to book her workshop and find out more.

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