go softly: yoga gently

woman practising yoga gently

We all know of yoga’s numerous benefits. Yoga does not have to be complicated to be effective, the simplest of poses can be very powerful as they need less effort and the body and mind can be more relaxed.

In a Yoga Gently class the pace is slower, giving you time to listen to your body and do what feels right. Even the simple poses will have options offered so you can make it appropriate for you.

Click here to view our yoga gently class schedule.

There is time to work with a slower, deeper breath to nourish and cleanse the body. Gentle, flowing movements can help connect us to the rhythm of the breath and the proprioceptive sensations of the body, or the sense of the relative position of one’s body parts and strength of effort employed in their movement. A Yoga Gently class also gently stimulates  blood and lymphatic flow, warms and mobilises the joints, and helps to improve the flow of energy through the body and dissolve muscular and mental tension.

Who is Yoga Gently for?

The class is suitable for everyone, is beginner-friendly and also for those just wanting a less-demanding practice. Foundational postures seem to offer the greatest long-term benefits with the lowest risk as they can help mobilize and lubricate the joints, improve posture and balance, stimulate digestion, boost energy, soothe the nervous system, and create mental focus and clarity at any age or stage of life.

If you are recovering from an injury or have a medical issue Yoga Gently can help to restore movement and increase circulation around the whole of the body aiding recovery. Yoga Gently offers nurturing, kindness, and compassion for the body, regardless of whether you are injured or healthy, young or old, fit or unfit.

Even if you normally practise yoga more energetically and practise more advanced versions of the poses sometimes it can be so good to take it easy and have a less demanding class to nourish body and mind.

What people say about Yoga Gently

“I started coming to your Yoga Gently class at triyoga Camden in mid January, and found it so beneficial that I have decided to make it a permanent part of my week.

What I find so helpful is your ability to keep us moving and breathing in a flowing, natural manner throughout the class, from the first minute until we settle into our final resting pose. The movement sequence you have created is just perfect for me, as it very gradually and gently progresses from simple to slightly more challenging sequences; they are enough to challenge me physically, but not so challenging that I cannot do it. I love the repetition of each movement sequence, as it gives me a chance to find my own speed and to coordinate my breath with my movements. When I leave your class I always feel energised, but also calm and centred. I feel as though I have spent an hour meditating through movement, which is the form of meditation that works best for me. Attending your Yoga Gently class has helped me cope and keep my head above water during this very difficult and challenging time of my life, and I feel grateful and lucky to be able to do it every week.”

“When we practice yoga we are taking care of ourselves.” – T.K.V. Desikachar

View our yoga gently class schedule.

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