Ashley Turner’s workshops this April include an Urban Priestess immersion. Read on for an insight into what it means to be an Urban Priestess and how you can utilise power of rituals…
One of the keys to being an Urban Priestess is to know what tools to use during each moment of life to bring us back to our centre – grounded, clear and confident.
Rituals are one of the most powerful tools to help us mark important thresholds in our lives, to heal and integrate. Each phase of our life and growth provides specific lessons. When we pause to reflect, pray, acknowledge, activate or celebrate – we move forward with more peace and joy. Rituals help the psyche integrate the disparate parts of ourselves. Ritual and ceremony bring completion, understanding and closure – opening us up fully to the next phase of life.
One of the greatest benefits of creating and holding ritual space, is that it shifts the psyche into a diffused quality of awareness, a holographic lens where we have more access to spiritual truths and naturally align with the collective unconscious. We call on our inner wisdom, Spirit guides and allies, elemental forces and universal intelligence. We process and release difficult emotions. We gain clarity and peace.
One of the reasons I wanted to create an Urban Priestess Mystery School was to help women everywhere learn to easily craft rituals, build a boho sisterhood, hold circles and sacred space to heal on the deepest level while building nourishing community and having FUN!
The key to any ritual or ceremony is that you follow your own intuition. No need to read a book of look anything up online. Trust your soul. Use whatever tools, props or symbols you have at hand and design a ritual that feels most appropriate and meaningful to you and your participants.
Below are the 5 Key Elements for crafting a potent ritual. Following this framework, you can fill in the material and actions that most resonate with you.
1. Prepare the space. Clean and beautify your space with flowers, candles, music. Create an altar. Smudge the space and all participants with sage to clear the energetic field.
2. Establish resonance. Begin with a short meditation, chant, breath work or visualisation to draw yourself and all participants into harmony, your centre and out of ‘ego-mind’.
3. Invocation. Call in the 4 directions of the elements. Grid the space. Pray. From your heart, state out loud the explicit intention of this ritual. Ask for benevolence and blessings.
4. Complete the body of work. Use your creativity and inspiration to craft your chosen body of work. Whatever you feel intuitively called to offer for your ritual is inherently correct.
5. Close the circle and celebrate. Share a liberation or sacrament (chocolate and wine are favourites). Close the circle with a song or prayer. Offer the work up for the benefit of all beings.
Ashley is an innovator in self-development fusing yoga, psychology and neuroscience. She is an acclaimed yoga-meditation instructor, registered Marriage and Family Psychotherapy Intern, writer and Ordained Priestess. Known for her charisma, depth, and accessibility, she is a sought after speaker, coach and presenter. She works with clients worldwide via Skype and leads transformative events to power points around the globe. Ashley lives by the ocean in Santa Monica, CA and in the mountains of Aspen, CO.