Ahead of his kundalini yoga and channel workshop ‘the power to glide’, Sivaroshan explores what it means to glide through the chaos of today or, as seen through the lens of yoga, embody isvara-pranidhana (surrendering to the divine life force). Read on to learn more about navigating the energies of the Aquarian age and how we can attune ourselves to the frequency of unity.
If you have ever noticed someone at the top of their game, they really stand out. You could say they ‘glide’ – they seem to circumnavigate the laws of time and space. They reach beyond the material plane and access what can be described as the source.
In yoga-speak one could say they are displaying the outcome of isvara-pranidhana, or surrender to the divine life force. Isvara-pranidhana is one of the niyamas in Patanjalis eight limbs of yoga. Arguably it is the observance that we most need at this time on the planet.
This quality can seem mysterious, like a magical door that appears to you in a dream. You give the doorknob a twist but nothing happens, you use all your strength but all you are left with is a sore wrist and a doorknob laughing at you! You wake up perplexed?
One could say the door is analogous to the Arthurian myth of the ‘Sword in the Stone’. This mythical sword could only be drawn from its impossible sheath, by someone of purity and to whom it was destined – Arthur.
Yet this analogy feels too strong for our current times, perhaps in the Piscean age (pre-2012) such figures of the gravitas of King Arthur were needed to wake us up from a collective amnesia. Yet in the age of ‘Aquarius’ (post-2012) life is very different.
We are living in an ascending energy age. We can see this in the exponential expansion of our mobile, technology driven existence. On a spiritual level we can also see it in the expansion of energy work with practices such as yoga, tai chi, shamanism and channelling exploding worldwide.
We are NOW living and breathing a currency that in the past, was hidden from view and only accessible to the enlightened ones. You could say the old masters were the light bearers of hope; until the beacon was lit and LIT IT IS!
However, this ‘Olympic’ like beacon of hope, signalling a shift in the energetic frequency of the planet has been covered by the ‘fog of fallout’… after all every volcano must have its ash.
As we transition into this age there shall be rage and chaos. As energy previously locked away can no longer be held by the old ways; the building of prisons and metal boxes to contain the pain of the past can no longer contain the incumbents, so out they must come to be finally reconciled.
Yet humanity rarely knows what to do with such things, it just becomes an overload of stuff (fog), and we as a race are going through an immense realisation of this.
The structures of the past are still in situ, as a result there is a sense of chaos as we try to get to grips with a new energy age using an infrastructure that no longer works. It is changing but nonetheless change is deeply unsettling – what to do?
Isvara-pranidhana – surrender to divinity
Divinity manifests itself into the material world through the mechanism of energy, so at some level we are all closer to god. However, the reason we cannot open the door in our dream is that we are using ways that no longer work. It cannot be opened with force. We use force as we feel that the door must be operated by us – we see it as an act of doing. But the door in reality is not distinct from us – it more accurately represents a doorway within.
To open the door we just need to ask in the right way. We need to ask from beyond the
mind, only then will the door open into spaciousness where the only option is but to glide.
Developing the power of isvara-pranidhana is to jettison the old limitation of where god or divinity resides. Religion and cultures offer us many ways in which are still useful but by far the deepest reality is the power of pure intention and embodied divinity within the very vibration of our being.
The practice of yoga, meditation and channelling can be a powerful doorway opener. We can begin to experience that power first-hand and understand that it is so prevalent in our new energy world.
To glide is to simply attune ourselves to the frequency of unity that exists both inside and out.
When we do, we shall glide in the totality of awareness. All problems shift in this resonance and we can approach life, in a more fulfilling and complete way.
Once activated in us the capacity to be in the totality of being will become easier and easier to maintain.
It’s just a matter of how much you want it.
Sivaroshan’s upcoming kundalini yoga workshop – ‘the power to glide’ – is happening in Camden and online via livestream on Sunday, 23 August. The workshop includes 7-day access to the online recording.
Click here to book your spot to attend in-person at triyoga Camden.
Click here to book your spot for the online livestream.
Sivaroshan looks to bring the essence of everyday life into his classes, sharing kundalini yoga kriyas and meditations that are relevant to the challenges we face in the world. His knowledge of the esoteric such as numerology and astrology, his experience as an energy healer and his background in the corporate world, enables him to build a bridge of understanding for a wide range of people. He directs his classes to inspire students to catch a glimpse of their own true self. Sivaroshan has also trained in numerous modalities of healing including reiki, ascended master, angelic, metatronic and kundalini yoga therapy.