how to support your immune system

immunity support blog

The best line of defense to bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa is to support your immune system, and that should start as soon as possible. ‘Germs’ are opportunistic, so I recommend you reduce your susceptibility by increasing your overall health and wellbeing. Here’s a list of daily practices to help best support your immune system:

– Take a good quality multi-vitamin and essential fatty acid – the best brand you can afford. I like food grade, but a reputable health food store will advise you. I do not recommend high street chemists for vitamins – the quality is not great, and you will end up flushing out most of your money.

– Take a daily immune support in addition to vitamins. This works differently to vitamins, therefore, creating a more layered effect. I like grapefruit seed extract, like Citricidal in liquid form. However, some of my clients like olive leaf, echinacea, colloidal silver, elderberry like Sambucol, etc. Empirically I have found grapefruit seed extract to be the most effective but if you are using an immune support which works for you stick with it.

– Take homeopathic medicine. Homeopathic medicines have been used extensively for flu-like symptoms and in epidemics around the world. Selection of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine is based on an individual’s unique symptoms. However, there are commonly used homeopathic remedies for flu-like symptoms and have a long-established traditional usage over many years. Contact a homeopath for a detailed analysis of the best remedy choice for you.

– Maintain your filtered water intake at 2L a day or more if you exercise. If you use a reverse osmosis water filter, please supplement the water with the minerals the filtration process removes. I like ‘Crystal Energy’ for mineral replacement.

– Spend time each day to monitor your breathing. Are you using your whole lungs or just the upper area? Practice belly breathing and remember when you are anxious or busy your breathing will go shallow.

– Increase your intake of pre- and pro-biotics in supplement form or in your diet. Kefir, kimchi and kombucha are good suggestions.

– Eat a healthy clean diet with lots of green leafy vegetables. This means less refined foods and minimise processed meals. Eating food as close to its natural state is the best. Vary your foods, less dairy, sugar and wheat, try alternatives like teff grain, non-animal milks and low GI sugar.

– Monitor your tension and anxiety. Spend some time each day releasing stress. If you are constantly in stressful situations at work or at home acknowledge this maintaining cause, manage the emotional feedback loop. We suggest exercise, ranting to loved ones who can listen effectively, or writing to release tension. Whatever works for you to exorcise these feelings will help – get them out of your body.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ways you can support your immune system. You can visit our previous blog ‘10 tips to boost your immune system this winter’ for more helpful immune-boosting tips.

Originally from New Zealand, Felicity Gray has been a UK resident for 30 years. She qualified from The College of Homeopathy, Regents Park University, London. Homeopathy provides a completely holistic approach to your healthcare. Felicity is an incredibly experienced healthcare professional clients can trust – one who’s trained to rigorous standards, bound by a strict code of ethics, and subject to independent regulation consultations to prepare bespoke treatment strategy last 45-90 minutes and progress is monitored. Furthermore, if required, Felicity can support treatment with nutritional advice, allergy/parasite testing, stool analysis, and stress management strategies.

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