What a summer we’ve had. It’s been a time of great uncertainty and change and it’s important we all take some time to feel into this, look after ourselves and adapt. Not rushing is key here. What do you want to take forward and what do you want to leave behind?
Grounding is a great way to re-set, and September is the perfect time to do it. The air is changing and there is a sense of anticipation. To support you with the transition, we’ve pulled together our favourite ways to ground – including, of course, some amazing treatments!
Barefoot walking
Allowing you to re-connect directly with the earth walking, barefoot is an excellent way to ground and re-connect with nature. It also has some surprising health benefits including reducing cortisol levels and stress. Start slow and on soft ground – a beach or the park is perfect – focus on the sensations under your feet and earth down deeply into mother nature.
Receive a massage
Bringing you back into your body, massage is excellent for grounding. You may wish to have a deep tissue treatment which will work into muscles are areas of tension, or maybe you’re looking for something a little more nurturing. Either way, massage brings you back into the present moment and helps your mind and body re-connect.
Cold water swimming
You read that correctly – plunge yourself into a cold lake, the sea or even have a cold shower and you’ll be pulled right back into the present moment.
Book an acupuncture appointment
You don’t have to wait to be unwell to book an acupuncture appointment – in fact it’s great to have regular maintenance sessions as your acupuncturist can spot things before they turn into symptoms. It’s also a great way to boost your immune system and relieve stress. Now that we’re out of lockdown, we advise having a monthly check-up to keep on top of your health.
See an osteopath
Osteopathy is a hands on technique that focuses on the physical manipulation of muscle tissue and bones. Perfect for pain, injuries, headaches, arthritis (the list is endless actually) it’s a great treatment to receive as a re-boot after a sedentary year at home. We offer osteopathy at all of our five London centres – you can view the current schedule here.
Eat some veggies
Grounding food is so important at this time of year – think root veg so carrots, swede, parsnips. Make a delicious soup or maybe a hearty stew. Pick up some amazing tips (and an incredible roasted pumpkin soup recipe) from a popular blog from the archives – ‘healthy food habits for autumn’ by Acupuncturist John Philbin.
Receive energy healing
If you’re looking to ground and re-connect to yourself you need to work on your energy body. Connecting into our physical and emotional states the health of our energetic field has a direct impact on our health. If you’re feeling flighty, unfocused and slightly out of your body receiving energy work can help ground you back into yourself. Energy healing is part of our alternative therapies offering – a range of powerful treatments available both online and in centre.
We hope you are able to find the time to slow down and ground this autumn. For those you interested in receiving a treatment in person or online, this month we are offering 20% off your first treatment with selected therapists. Find all of the details about our September 2020 special offer here.