Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (AYM) combines the benefits of a deep tissue (if appropriate) oil massage, yoga and mindfulness meditation. We work with the body, mind and breath, and the depth of the session depends on where the body and mind are ready to go. So sessions will look very different for different people on different days, just as a yoga practice. It can be deep and remedial/working on long term tension and blockages; or soothing, relaxing, energising. It helps on physical, emotional and energetic levels, and afterwards clients experience a feeling of centredness, lightness and feeling (in their own words) “more like themselves”.
This powerful method was developed my Master Kusum Modak in Pune, India, after she studied traditional Ayurvedic massage and Iyengar yoga (with B.K.S. Iyengar no less!) for many years.
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage UK is a growing, dynamic, evolving community of practitioners, and we share our experiences of bodywork, yoga, meditation, mindfulness and related practices to help inform our AYM practice, so clients can experience maximum benefit from their sessions. We have a fantastic method to work with, but we also believe in a holistic approach to our sessions, giving massage is about so much more than performing massage strokes and stretches!
Despina has been practising Ayurvedic Yoga Massage since 2011. Find her at triyoga Chelsea on Tuesdays, from 5.00 – 9.00pm.