Here’s one of our favourite smoothie recipes from Jason Vale‘s book the Juice Master Keeping It Simple. This protein-packed smoothie is made with no animal products (100% vegan!) and will get you ready for your next workout or sports event.
– 1/4 small pineapple
– 2 apples
– 1/2 ripe avocado (de-stoned + peeled)
– 1 medium banana
– 1/4 teaspoon spirulina (if you haven’t got any, just make without)
– a few ice cubes
Cut up the pineapple so it fits in the feeder of your juicer and juice along with the apples. Place the avocado in the blender along with the banana, spirulina, ice and the freshly extracted juice. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!
what nutrients are in it?
Essential fats, ALL of the essential amino acids, natural sugars, fibre, vitamins A, B, B6, C and E, riboflavin, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, boron, niacin, magnesium, folic acid and carotenes.
how will it juice me?
Contains 10 times more calcium than milk and 58 times more iron than spinach! The essential amino acids contained within this vegan smoothie will help any budding body-builders out there. The zinc helps to protect the liver from chemical damage, is vital for bone formation and promotes a healthy immune system and the healing of the wounds. Boron is needed for healthy bones and muscle growth because it assists in the production of natural steroid compounds with the body.
juicy tip
Have a small glass about 30 min before exercise and again after exercise.