As we emerge from a spate of eclipses (akin to a system reboot) into the fertile energy of May, there are new possibilities in the landscape of our changing world. The first perhaps is to realise the significance of borders – when do they serve us and when do they limit us?
Exploring Borders: Serving or Limiting?
We are in an ascending arc of development within the cycle of the Earth; so change shall be the norm. Thus, borders that seek to simply preserve shall forever come under pressure; yet to release borders at a whim negates their value of containment. What to do?
The Niyama* Ishvara Pranidhana (which translates as Surrender to the ultimate reality) has never been so important as the age we find ourselves in. We may realise that our need for borders is perhaps a need for control.
Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrendering for Control
It is the surrendering however, which is the problem. Enmeshed in the nets of past actions we are caught by a seemingly invisible force (karma), set on our demise. We struggle to escape yet don’t seem to find a way out.
Yet the wisdom to disentangle ourselves is often hidden in plain sight. ‘Those highly refined truths that sit between the hardback books of accepted wisdom.’
Hidden Wisdom: Unveiling the Threads of Liberation
A common response to life’s challenges is instinctive action; the need to do something. It’s what most have learned to do across our lifetimes – action gets results! Yes, that can be true, but the deeper truth is that inspired action gets results, and truly inspired action has its seed in Ishvara Pranidhana.
It is a knowing that all is already taken care of; that the highway of life is a stream of primal energy that is the life blood of existence itself. To cultivate this quality requires a leap of faith; but start with the smaller things in life. Perhaps it can be with small choices with minimal impact like clothes, food, destinations for a weekend break etc., before going bigger.
Then are you able to open to the synchronicities that exist within our life, or the nudges to our intuition?
A few tips:
- One day a week or month, try to live with the qualities of surrender to a greater force. ‘Ask to be guided in what to do, empower your intuition rather than your intellect, follow it with innocence and childlike wonder, don’t hold on to any particular outcome’.
- If there is a problem you are working with, ‘dial up the divine’ or ‘higher Power’ with a prayer or affirmation; then become super open to receive. Prime yourself for the potentials that your intellect may have overlooked, be receptive and let go.
- Empower your mind-body-energy system. We humans are a complex confluence of energy and matter connected by the mind. The system needs to be taken care of so that it can receive what it needs to receive. Spiritual practices or simply being in nature can help bring balance.
So, in this preciously fertile time open to Ishvara Pranidhana and let it guide your hand.
*Niyama is a term used to describe one of the 8 Limbs in Patanjalis yoga sutras. Niyama loosely translates as ‘observances’ of which Isvara Pranidhana is the 5th.
Words by triyoga teacher Sivaroshan Sahathevan.
Sivaroshan looks to bring the essence of everyday life into his classes, sharing Kundalini yoga kriyas and meditations that are relevant to the challenges we face in the world. His knowledge of the esoteric such as numerology and astrology, his experience as an energy healer and his background in the corporate world, enables him to build a bridge of understanding for a wide range of people. He directs his classes to inspire students to catch a glimpse of their own true self. Sivaroshan has also trained in numerous modalities of healing including Reiki, Ascended Master, Angelic, Metatronic and Kundalini yoga therapy.