what is rolfing?

Keith Graham rolfing treatment session triyoga, what is rolfing

What is rolfing? How does it work? What is it good for? Is it suitable during pregnancy? Rolfing is among one of the lesser known therapies that we offer at triyoga. To share more about this fascinating hands-on treatment, we reached out to advanced qualified rolfer and rolf movement practitioner, Keith Graham. All things rolfing are revealed below – plus, we share a special offer for first-time visitors during July and August 2019. 

Where does rolfing originate from?
Rolfing structural integration was developed by American biochemist Dr Ida P Rolf in the 1940s and ’50s with the premise that the human structure could be organised ‘in relation to gravity’.

What is rolfing? How does it work?
Rolfing works to bring us into optimum alignment in the gravity field so that we can move with more balance and greater ease. Rolfers work with hands-on manipulation to bring space and fluidity to the fascial system, which can become gluey and restrictive through lack of movement. During the sessions, we also try to identify unhelpful movement habits which may be preventing the body from reaching its optimum balance. I give homework between each session to help change these unconscious patterns. In this way, improvements gained can be long-lasting.

What conditions can rolfing help with?
The ‘Re•Set Rolfing’ programme is a holistic treatment which can benefit the whole body. Individual sessions or short fix-it programmes can help to ease all kinds of connective tissue, muscle and joint pain, including the following:

–  Back pain
–  Neck and shoulder pain
–  RSI, tennis and golfers elbow
–  Shin splints
–  Plantar fasciitis
–  Some types of migraine

When would you recommend seeking treatment from a rolfer?
Any time is a good time to try rolfing. Undergoing the full ‘Re•Set Rolfing’ programme of up to 12 one-hour sessions, is like giving your body a 100,000-mile service. Restoring your body (as far as is possible) to factory settings.

More specifically, improving postural alignment, muscle coordination and your sense of balance brings greater freedom of movement and increases the amount of energy available to enjoy life.

What should you expect during a session?
Each treatment during the ‘Re•Set Rolfing’ process focuses on a different aspect of the client’s unique structural organisation. At the beginning of each session, the client will be asked to stand and move a little so that the rolfer can see the client’s current level of integration and determine the best way to achieve the goals of the proceeding session.

With the client laying on a couch, the rolfer will use slow, melting touch to effect change in specific fascial layers. The rolfer remains sensitive at all times to what is available in the client’s tissues and encourages regular verbal feedback. At the end of the session, the client will be asked to stand and walk again and notice any changes that can be felt. I usually give some simple homework to help anchor the changes and integrate the work until the next session.

How long is a course of treatment?
The ‘Re•Set Rolfing’ programme consists of between 10 – 12 carefully structured sessions in which we gradually work through and release layers of dry or sticky fascia. Each treatment is for one hour and the optimum space between treatments is one or two weeks.

Is there anything I shouldn’t do while undergoing rolfing treatments?
Because rolfing makes significant structural changes and in a sense, is putting lots of new information into your body, it is advisable to allow time for your system to adjust in its own way. For this reason, it is best to limit other treatments during your rolfing series as they may interrupt your natural integration process.

Is rolfing suitable during pregnancy and when breastfeeding?
Good postural alignment is an essential factor in any healthy pregnancy and can be of enormous benefit to both mother and baby. Rolfing is contraindicated during the first trimester of pregnancy, however.

How long have you been practising rolfing? And how did you get to become a rolfing practitioner?
My first career was as a cartoon animator making pop promos and TV ads. A mid-life re-evaluation, during which I decided that I wanted to do something a little more worthwhile, led me in 1997 to the British School of Osteopathy. A lecture on rolfing while there sparked my interest and I sought out a London rolfer (one of only eight in the UK at the time) and undertook the ten-session series. This changed my body so much that I decided to give up my osteopathy studies and do the rolf training in Colorado. Three years later, in 2001, I received my certification as a rolfer from the Ida P Rolf Institute in Boulder. I am now an advanced rolfer and am also qualified as a rolf movement practitioner.

Click here to view Keith’s treatments schedule at triyoga soho and to book a rolfing appointment today.

During July and August 2019, receive 25% off your first treatment with Keith and other selected therapists. Click here to see a list of all participating therapists.  

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