We’re kicking off 2017 by featuring a different class style each week with our ‘everyone try yoga‘ campaign. This week, we explore triyoga hot. Read on to find out why we use far-infrared heat in our centres.
Far-infrared radiant (FIR) heat is a completely safe form of naturally occurring energy that heats objects by direct light conversion. Instead of heating the air within the room FIR heats the body directly. Direct light conversion warms only the object and does not raise the temperature of the surrounding free air. FIR heat is not ultraviolet radiation but a narrow band of energy within the 5 to 15 micron level. This type of energy penetrates the body deeper, traveling 2-3″ deep into the body to increase circulation and nourish damaged tissue. 

While the sun is the primary source of radiant energy, but not all of this energy is beneficial. Although life needs energy from the sun, too much sunlight damages the skin. FIR heat provides many of the health benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation.
As the body absorbs the infrared waves, it will get warmer and warmer and when coupled with yoga, postures will make the bodies feel hot.
why Is FIR important to the human body?
FIR has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate and reflect. It has a warming effect that stimulates your immune, cardiovascular and lymphatic system. The human body can absorb FIR because of its deep penetrating ability. When FIR penetrates through skin to the subcutaneous tissues (the third of the three layers of skin, which contains fat and connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels and nerves), it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of the tissues causes bloods vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation, and the heat produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.
health benefits of FIR (+ hot yoga)
– better circulation + increased energy: 
The panels emit energy that is absorbed by human cells, causing a physical phenomenon called “resonance”. Thus the cellular activities are instantly invigorated, resulting in a better blood circulation and an overall improved metabolism. Far infrared expands capillaries with increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation.
– maintain cardiovascular health: 
The FIR can increase heart rate and blood circulation, crucial to maintaining one’s health. The heart rate increases as more blood flow is diverted from the inner organs towards the extremities of the skin, without heightening blood pressure and even decreasing diastolic blood pressure (the pressure in your blood vessels between heartbeats, when your heart is resting).
– improved immune system:
 The immune system is stimulated and works to fight bacteria and viruses in your system. By creating an “Artificial Fever”, FIR heat has a positive effect on the immune system. Often misunderstood, fever is a natural healing response of the body. The function of the immune system is increased naturally during a fever, while virus and bacterial growth is slowed, weakening its hold. This helps the body ward off invading organisms.
– speed recovery from injuries + pain management: Far infrared promoted the rebuilding of injured tissues by having a positive effect on fibroblasts (the connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury. It increases cell growth, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis – all necessary for tissue repair and regeneration. FIR generated heat stimulates vasodilatation of peripheral blood vessels, bringing oxygen to joints and extremities, speeding the healing of sprains and strains, thus relieving pain and reducing the time it takes the human body to recover from an injury. This makes it also excellent for healing scar tissues and skin problems.
– detoxification: When the capillaries expand the heat starts to dissolve and move hidden toxins – it facilitates the elimination of fats, chemicals, toxins and acids in the blood. Far Infrared is thought to be 7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals like mercury, aluminium and other environmental toxins than conventional heat. The quicker metabolic rate causes extra toxic waste products to be purged from the body through the skin, during perspiration. The skin is often referred to as the 3rd kidney, because it is believed to be responsible for eliminating 30% of the body’s waste.
– quickens and intensifies sweat: Because it heats the body directly, sweat begins quickly. Because the far infrared heat penetrates right into the joints and muscles , it increases metabolism and allows the body to eliminate toxins more readily.
– increased flexibility:
 FIR can loosens the muscle tissue and stiff joints allowing you to be more flexible.
– skin + beauty: 
For that sought after healthy glow, FIR allows increased blood circulation to carry great amounts of nutrients to the skin, thus promoting healthy tone and texture.
– relaxation
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