Are you curious to try out colonic irrigation for yourself? Or maybe are you planning to embark on a detox programme to get ready for the summer? If you want to have a glowing skin, feel cleansed, energised, relaxed, light and comfortable in your own body. No more abdominal dissention, bloating or fluid retention. Then colonic irrigation is the right choice of treatment for you.
What is colonic irrigation?
Colonic irrigation is a valuable time-tested, ancient method of treatment and prevention for overall body well-being. It is a simple procedure which involves introducing warm filtered water into you large intestine, otherwise known as the gut or the colon. It’s a very gentle treatment, the pressure used is only as high as the person’s bowel will allow.
During a colonic you "wash" the intestine of its waste accumulation, which is often old due to lack of dietary fibre, a high protein diet or poor water intake leading to dehydration but. Moreover, you also get to clear "rotting" matter from food not having been chewed properly, having stayed inside the body for too long due to poor evacuation, which often leads to the person suffering from halitosis, strong body odours, migraine, congested skin and feeling tired and lethargic.
Colonic Hydrotherapy also helps reshapes and exercises the bowel. Some people may think of a colonic being unnatural, but if we think again about it, everything deserves a break and a spring clean including your colon. During a colonic you are not forcing anything out, it is your own bowel that will do the work by "contracting" which is otherwise known as peristalsis, in response to the water and the pressure, leading to a natural movement/evacuation. Abdominal massage also is part of the treatment and helps very effectively to relax the person and maximise the effects of the peristalsis.
We also use therapeutic enemas during the treatment on request, or as recommended after the first consultation and treatment. The enemas available are organic coffee enema, organic wheatgrass enema, anti-spasmodic herb enema, anti-parasite herb enema and Aloe Vera enema.
Who would benefit from a colonic?
Everyone and anyone. You don’t have to suffer from anything in particular to have a treatment, using it as a cleansing to treatment and as a preventative measure is equally as beneficial.
It can be particularly effective for people suffering from digestive disorders and IBS. It can also be beneficial for those dealing with constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating, heartburn, IBS and candida albicans.
Enrida Kelly is a Naturopathic Colon Hydrotherapist, who began her studies at the Collage of Complimentary and Naturopathic Medicine, London in 2001 and went on to specialise in Colon Hydrotherapy at the Collage of Holistic Medicine and European school of Colon Hydrotherapy. She is a registered member of ARCH (Association of Registered Colon-Hydro therapists) and CNHC (Complimentary and Natural Health Council). Enrida has been practicing in this discipline for more than 10 years. She believes digestive health is the foundation to restoring good health and Colon Hydrotherapy alongside nutrition and natural remedies is a safe and effective way of facilitating that. For more information you can contact Enrida directly on 07723066013 or via email at [email protected].
Enrida works at triyoga Chelsea. For her schedule and more information, please click here.