Over time we find that as our own body’s needs change, so does that of our students and clients, and the desire to unfold the wisdom born from further knowledge + understanding becomes vital. How we go about addressing this fuels our growth, and also that of our students.
The triyoga advanced teacher training provides a framework within which to learn and further develop the essential knowledge that forms the basis of lived wisdom, arguably the point of all yoga practices. This training has been designed with the understanding that the ground of learning is most fertile when it comes from our own direct experience and process nourished by self-enquiry and study of the practices and scriptures from which modern postural yoga has evolved.
When learning is grounded in direct experience and discernment, it gives birth to the type of insight that supports a flourishing practice and a lifetime of inspired teaching that goes beyond the surface and becomes the cutting edge for innovation and discovery. To share this learning with others goes beyond mere duty, it becomes a means of inspiring others to stand in their own power and recognise their own innate wisdom.
By staying open to learning fresh and innovative approaches while honouring the rich tapestry of the yoga tradition, we can grow as yoga practitioners and teachers, and learn to source our own inner wellspring of inspiration, enthusiasm and authenticity.
The immersive and supportive structure of a teacher training creates a safe environment to explore with others the challenges of practice and teaching, as well as address the questions, concerns and doubts that inevitably arise from embarking on a path that investigates the very essence of who and what we are.
‘The recognition of confusion is the first form of understanding’ ~ TKV Desikachar
The permission to question and explore without needing to know an answer can revolutionise the experience of the physical yoga practices, which become nuanced and evolve as vehicles for the expression of essence and creativity; embodied practice reveals the fruit of learning and gives rise to the wisdom of deeply felt connection to wholeness.
It is with this approach we invite trainees onto the advanced teacher training at triyoga to further their own path and direction through self-enquiry, learning, connection to source and embracing personal agency.
We have hand picked faculty members at the top of their field who bring a wealth of indispensable knowledge to share throughout the course forming a complete and well balanced path of learning.