May – One for the guys. We have an exciting shopping event kicking off the month with the GQ Style Night happening in Carnaby Street on the 4th May. We’re participating offering 20% off in our retail space in Soho, here’s a few highlights of what’s currently in store.
menswear from ohmme
The guys at Ohmme take yogawear pretty seriously, they test out every model in the range in various different yoga classes on men with different shapes and abilities. They believe its not enough to create a product that makes you look good on the mat, but that your yoga clothes need to assist you in your practice. OHMME wants to encourage men to practice through the medium of stylish clothing.
hit reset by erin taylor
Unsure how yoga can best help you and fit in with your workout? HIT RESET could be the book for you. Yoga coach Erin Taylor’s HIT RESET program uses yoga to solve specific, her revolutionary approach to yoga can improve functional strength, flexibility, muscle recruitment, breathing and focus, core strength, and durability.
mend blend from skin + tonic
This all natural, home grown, super healing and soothing balm is exclusive to triyoga, made in collaboration with Skin & Tonic. Wave goodbye to any muscle tension!
foam roller from gatortails
Unlike other rollers, GatorTails have a backbone and will not over-compress — they’re the longest portable foam roller available and still lightweight. With a complete 360-degree hide of skin that’s made of deep and firm ridges that cover every square inch of the roller, it delivers a deep and consistent massage to every nook and cranny of your muscles. With it’s longer length you can target any one muscle in your body, including your whole legs and back.