What does 2021 have in store, as we look forwards at the tail end of this strange year? What pathways into the new do the constellations offer? An established author and teacher of Kabbalah, astrology and mysticism, Gahl Sasson’s shares his forecasts for each zodiac sign in 2021. Gahl will be joining us on Friday 8th January for an online workshop ‘the astrology of 2021: out of darkness, light’ and a series of one-on-one astrology readings in late January.
Click below to jump to your sign:
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
aries: i am – finding your gang
The last three years have not been easy for your tribe with Saturn, the Lord of Karma, squaring your Sun. Saturn has been pushing you to work extra hard to prove yourself, especially in your career. You had to establish yourself with figures of authority, mentors, superiors, bosses, and colleagues. Your status in your community, your job, and vocation have been paramount during this period as you tended to what the Ancient Greek called Kleos, your glory.
With Saturn and Jupiter converging in your house of career in 2020, you had to really prove yourself and fight on many fronts and battlefields. However, in 2021, both Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunities, as well as Saturn, the great teacher, are moving from the house of career to the house of friends, communities, governments, and organizations. It is time for you to find your brothers and sisters in arms. Usually, Saturn creates challenges and takes pleasure in erecting an obstacle course which satisfies your competitive nature, but this year, Aries, you are lucky to have Jupiter orbiting close to Saturn and mitigating some of the gruelling aspects of Saturn’s teachings.
Since Saturn and Jupiter are transiting in the same place, that is, your house of community and friends, there is a great deal of focus on questions such as: who are your people, fans, friends, gang, clients, and tribe? You have consolidated your message in the last three years, and now you have to decide who this message is for.
This year, Saturn in your house of communities can manifest as challenges with the government, large corporations, and some friends. You will witness friends you have had for a long time leave your life, and new friends replace them. Make sure, whatever you do, to get the permits and approval you need from the governmental institutions; this includes building permits, paying taxes, and doing your best to deal with formalities and red tape. After all, red is your colour! Then again, you don’t like to be told what to do: in 2021, learn to swallow your pride and every so often do what you are told. Sometimes, people around you might know better.
Be flexible in dealing with your social network, as there is a great deal of change. If you don’t like the company you work with or find that the corporate culture is not conducive to your creed, then get up and make the move to a place that fits you better. New opportunities are coming. Jupiter in your house of people can also help you make your wishes come true and manifest your heart’s desire, while Saturn can help you focus on the discipline necessary to achieve it.
Chiron is trotting in your sign, resurrecting old wounds (physical and emotional) for the sole purpose of healing. Aries folks born between March 25 and April 5 will experience Chiron passing over their Sun. Last year’s Saturn configurations have brought some father issues to the surface – perhaps a boss, a parent, or father figure experienced some injury, sickness, or pain. Chiron in 2021 highlights Aries as wounded healer and adds a spiritual dimension to your identity and work. Make sure to be careful to avoid injuries and accidents.
The dreaded square between Saturn and Uranus causes tension and conflicts between your house of friends and your house of money and self-worth. This means you will experience friction between your values and your friendships or company’s principles. You will have to make sure that your affiliations with friends, party, community, government are not against your core values and belief system. Uranus wants you to be more flexible and change some of your values, and Saturn wants you to change some of your circles of friends to fit better your newly found principles. There could be some financial challenges coming from past obligations or institutions.
taurus: i have – xenith + career
If you climb to the highest place in your chart, the summit, the peak, what is called the zenith, you will be able to have the panoramic view, uninterrupted, of your entire chart and life. In astrology we call this point the MC, Medium Coeli, literally, “middle of the sky” … but yes, you can also call it the Master of Ceremonies. It is what the Ancient Greeks called Kleos, meaning glory, mission in life. Dear Taurus, this year, you are mountaineering to the Zenith. It is cold on the top and some say lonely, but you will be given the tools to achieve your goals. For the last three years, Saturn was in your house of higher education, truth, and authenticity. You have learned a great deal about yourself and life. Now it is time to take all that you have mastered and pour it into your career.
First, the good news. Jupiter, the benevolent planet of opportunities and expansion, is opening doors for you in your professional life, generating a great deal of leads, breakthroughs, and insights. Jupiter, king of the gods, is welcoming you to Olympus, downloading your life mission through Aquarius. Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius in your chart’s career zone favours innovation, working with friends and communities, technology, e-commerce, and in general asks you to think outside of the box. The more original, unique, outrageous, the more success. Jupiter is also the god of hospitality (concept of Xenia), and he will help with your willingness to adopt, take care, host, take in, accommodate, and support your friends and colleagues.
Now for the less than good news. Saturn, hearing his son is in Aquarius, decided to join, thus he is coming also to your house of career. He did so in 1991-1993 so you can go back and see what happened then either in your career or with figures of authorities. Saturn forces you to focus and be serious about your career choices. He might present challenges, but like lifting weights in the gym, they are designed to teach you how to focus and overcome obstacles, not to discourage or break your will. Saturn will be in your house of career for two years and can bring positive outcomes if you have a detailed plan, discipline, persistence, and tenacity. If you are confused about your career, Saturn in your house of vocations can help you discover what you DO NOT want, which can be sometimes frustrating and painful. If you do know what you want in your career, Saturn can help you achieve it, especially with Jupiter there.
To recap, good news: you can reach the top of your career aspiration. Bad news: you are carrying extra baggage as you climb up. But hey, you are a bull, you can make it happen.
Jupiter will make a short visit in your house of community and friends between May 14 to July 27. This will be a little taste of what to come in 2022. Jupiter can bring you new friends, improve your position in your company, or introduce new organizations to work with.
This year, the eclipses are magnifying and quickening events and processes that relate to your house of finance, talents, and self-worth. The Dragon wants you to tap into hidden talents that might have been active or first surfaced in 2001-2002, as well as 1983-1984. Focusing on your gifts, finances and self-esteem are crucial for you since your sign is said to be the vessel of these aspects in life. Try to look deeply into your talents and invest in them, because in 2021 you will get some good karma and mojo in your finances. However, the south node in your house of other people’s money means you need to let go of reliance upon, or being preoccupied with, other people’s talents and finance. You don’t have to be the agent; you can be the star. Also, let go of possessiveness, jealousy, obsession with certain people, or sexual fixations. If you are dealing with grief, it is time to bury the dead and move on. They would like you to come back to yourself so that they can be reborn.
Chiron, the wounded healer, is in your house of past lives. This means that the next few years are highly spiritual as Chiron is doing the best he can to remind you of skills, abilities, languages, people, and locations that you were connected to in previous lives. Since Chiron can bring about wounds, a great deal of your illnesses, injuries, and pain might be psychosomatic or karmic in nature. It is a great year to start a regular meditation practice.
gemini: i think – the dragon flight
Gemini, we need to sit and have a talk. No, I mean, you listen, I talk. It is a serious matter. Once in 19 years you receive the Nodal reins and become the Dragon Master, in charge with riding the fiery beast into battle. Last time you did it was the end of 2001 and 2002 as well as 1983 and 1984. When you are the Dragon Master, all eyes are focused on you. The North Node, or the Head of the Dragon, has been in your sign since the middle of 2020, and will continue transiting backwards in Gemini until the end of 2021. The North Node points at the archetype we all must master and learn from. We are all asked to learn from you how to better express Gemini qualities: how to talk, communicate, market, sell, negotiate, build bridges, translate, interpret, breathe, and socialize. We need some of your charm and magic, and who is better to teach us how to be a Gemini, than you? The eclipses are the crown of the Dragon and this year the lunations will be in your sign as well as your opposite sign, Sagittarius. You will have to craft your messages very clearly this year especially around May, June and Nov, Dec. This means avoiding dogma, preachiness, fanaticism, lies, and fakeness. I know you like to colour some of your messages with the occasional exaggeration, but not this year.
This is because Saturn, the Lord of Karma, the teacher, is moving to Aquarius, the sign ruling your house of truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What is karma but action and reaction? And since the Dragon’s flight in airy Gemini is swift, the reactions to your actions will be as well. Saturn will be lurking in the shadow with a stick waiting for you to lie or tell a half-truth and bang, if you do, you will be dealing with an adversarial situation. So, take heed.
Last time Saturn was in your house of truth, wisdom, education, and travel was 1991-1993 and 1962-1964. You can go back to these periods and see the lessons Saturn tried to teach you. Saturn is also focusing your attention on morality and justice, asking you to be not only honest, but also just and fair with yourself and others. In addition, there could be some lessons taught through traveling, multinational organisations, foreigners, and (I know it sounds random) your in-laws.
From May 14 to July 27, Jupiter will dip his feet in Pisces, which means he will transit for a short while in your house of community, friends, the government, and non-profit. This means you might find a new company to work with or enlarge your circle of friends.
Since the Grand Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place in Aquarius, a fellow air sign, 2021 could provide opportunities in publishing, lecturing, teaching, learning a new language, travel for work, and generally having exciting adventures. This is because in addition to Saturn in your house of travel, truth, and education, you also have Jupiter, who loves transiting in that house. This could open doors for businesses and dealings with foreign cultures, as well as help in learning new skills.
As we saw earlier, 2021 is an air year with a focus on issues that are natural for you to deal with, such as communication and networking. 2020 was socially distant, but in 2021 you can start socializing again. In general, 2020 was a year when you dealt with a lot of death; this year there is a great deal of resurrection.
The Joker, Uranus, is still trying to awaken the mystic in you. He has been sounding the alarm since 2018 when he moved into Taurus, your neighbouring sign. Skills, gifts, memories, soulmates, and abilities from past lives can return to your life if you engage in some spiritual or mystical practices such as meditation, dream-logging, yoga, breath work etc. You will feel imaginative, sensitive, and empathic. In 2026 Uranus will move to your sign and will begin a major shift in your life; we will speak on that in the future.
The eclipses this year will force you to deal with the “I versus Thou” duality — how much you focus on yourself compared to your partners in work or in life. Since we do have to follow the North Node rather than the South Node, you do have to concentrate on yourself. That does not give you the green light for narcissism or self-obsession, but you do have to let the Dragon fly you closer to your true nature. Focus on your body, your image, health, and style. It is a good time to change hairdressers, try new colours for your outfits, change the logo or your business cards and website, to invest in rebranding and a comprehensive makeover.
cancer: i feel – passion, magic + transformation
Since the end of 2018, the North Node, aka the Dragon, has been in your sign — we have all had to learn to embody the lessons of Cancer and be a good homeboy and homegirl. We learned to feel, to cheer the healthcare workers who embodied your capacity for compassion and empathy. We were forced to withdraw into our shells during the quarantine and stay put for most of 2020. Last time the Dragon swam in your waters was in 2000 and 2001, during the attack on the Twin Towers. Around May/June of 2020, you needed to give the reins of the Dragon to Gemini. You completed your mission of teaching us about unconditional love, the value of family, and the connection to our dwelling place. It is time to let go of the Dragon, and indeed, the North Node moved into your house of letting go, mysticism, past lifetime and hospitals. We still need your help in healing and fixing the world, what in Kabbalah is called Tikkun Olam. The eclipses falling in your house of hospitals and service means we are still dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic … or maybe a new ailment will arrive that will force you once again to use your superpowers of compassion.
In 2018 and 2019 you had many challenges in relationships, with business partners and significant others. As someone whose engine runs on feelings and emotion, it was a very tough time. In 2020, Jupiter, the planet of opportunities, transited into your house of relationship and began a long process of healing and teaching. In 2021, all that you have learned about your significant others is pouring into your house of passion, sexuality, and intimacy. For most signs, this house, called the 8th house, is a dark place. It is, after all, the house of death, the underworld, the occult, and magic. But for you, these subjects are attractive as they belong to a fellow water sign, Scorpio. You will feel the strongest influence of these aspects during the Nov 18-19 eclipse. Since Saturn is the great teacher, the rectifier and spiritual contractor, he will be teaching you how to let death into your life, to cut ties with things you do not need, as well as remove obstacles. The combination of the North Node (your soul’s desire) in your house of letting go and intuition, and Saturn (karma) in the house of death and transformation, focuses much of 2021 on your inner world, mysticism, imagination, transformation, your passion and sexuality as well as healing abilities. In other words, you are in training with the witch and the wizard to become a light-warrior.
To seal the deal, Jupiter, the planet that loves you more than any other sign (Jupiter is exalted in Cancer), is joining Saturn in your house of sexuality, death, and transformation. This will bring you opportunities to benefit from other people’s money (inheritance, investments, partner’s finances), and talents. 2021 is a great year to collaborate on joint artistic and financial projects. If you have a partner in work or in life, they might have a boost in their income, but it is most likely your magic that made it happen for them.
The Grand Conjunction falling in your house of sexuality also gives you a remarkable opportunity to connect to your passion. 2021 is a year that will help you discover what you are attracted to as well as what you attract from life. The last time Saturn was teaching you these lessons was 1991-1993 and 1962-1964. In addition, Jupiter in the 8th house will bring you closer to your magic, the ability to create something out of nothing, allow you to become a better healer and therapist and of course, help you heal by shedding whatever blocks you from the light.
Jupiter, the giver of gifts, will move to Pisces from May 14 to July 27, and since it is a fellow water sign, this transit promises an elevation in the energy level. This transit can help with travel, education, courts and justice, as well as connections to foreigners and teachers.
Uranus, the awakener, has been in your house of companies, friends, and government since 2018, but this year he is activated by Saturn. It has not been easy for you with governments or with your company or friends. But this year, with Uranus and Saturn squaring between your house of death and friends, there could be some major changes within your company or among your friends that may demand an adjustment, and may include a symbolic death. Pay extra attention to things like taxes, permits, fines, visas, and civil duties, as it can be a bit chaotic. The best way to deal with 2021 is to practice releasing, detachment, and utilising the Buddhist concept of impermanence: nothing lasts forever.
leo: i will – significant others
For the last three years, Saturn asked you to focus on your work, health, diet, routine, and service. You slaved, broke your back, and proved to us all that even royalty like you can learn to serve others. The sign most famous for your will, you had to learn to obey other peoples’ will. But since the Grand Conjunction of Dec 2020, things have shifted. Both Saturn and Jupiter marched together into your opposite sign, Aquarius. This transit is a mixed bag since Saturn in Aquarius means you are experiencing an opposition with the Lord Karma. In other words, Saturn is located just in front of you, literally in your face, seeing, hearing, sniffing out, registering everything you do. This can manifest as Instant Karma, shortening the time span between actions and reactions. Other zodiac signs might steal or cheat and get away with it, but not you. Everything you do will immediately come back at you threefold. Saturn is determined to tame the lion, and this is not necessarily bad news for you. There are ways to make it work to your advantage. Yes, if you mess up, your boss will be right there, but if you shine, initiate, work hard and are diligent, your boss will also be right there, seeing it all and helping you advance.
Saturn and the Sun (your ruler) are both representatives of father figures. When they are opposed, you might find some hidden truth about your own father or other authority figures that are around you. It also could manifest as the good Dad/bad Dad scenario, or two bosses pulling and pushing you in different directions.
But not all is so grave and Saturnian. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and opportunity, is also moving through Aquarius. This means you will have the tendency to be a bit over the top or overly optimistic. I know you like taking risks and playing with fire, but remember, two forces are active now—Jupiter making you feel better than you really are and Saturn making you feel worse than you truly are. It is a bit tricky to navigate. But since the two planets are transiting in your house of relationship and balance, there is a chance you can create equilibrium with the help of a partner or significant other.
2021 is a year when relationships in your personal and professional lives are being scrutinised and reassessed. The last time Saturn was in your house of marriages, justice, and law was 1991-1993. It will be good to go back and see what took place in that period, especially in relation to partnership or the creation of your “love map”; that is, what kind of a lover you are seeking. In astrology, relationships are viewed as mirrors. Your significant others are your reflections — the same but opposite — and are the best qualified to show you who you are. In 2021 you will be able to sift through your primary relationships in love and work and see who is worthy to be your partner and your mirror image. For those of you who are in a relationship, there might be some challenges, as Saturn will put your relationship on a trial. If it is the right partner for you, the relationship will grow immensely, especially since Jupiter is giving you a boost. If it is the wrong person, you will have to part ways. But do not be discouraged, Jupiter might bring you a new lover soon.
From the middle of May to the end of July, Jupiter will be in Pisces. This is good news for you, since Jupiter will enter the house of sexuality and passion. It can bring a new interest or excitement in your life as well as some good news regarding investments, inheritance, or a joint artistic or financial affair.
This year the eclipses are easier for you than they were in 2018-2020 since they are now in Gemini and Sagittarius, signs that agree much more with your fiery nature. The North Node will ask you to learn new social skills, join new clubs and organizations, and perhaps find a new company to work with. Your children and lovers might be a cause of some challenges. It is important to stay away from your innate childish qualities, at least until the end of 2021. Be a little more careful with speculative endeavours or any other risky business.
Uranus, the Joker and Awakener, is in your house of career. Alas, this could mean crazy bosses, unpredictable and unexpected changes in your career and countless twists and turns in your professional life. Try to welcome what might seem strange, futuristic, innovative, and original into your career. The more unique your projects are, the better. There might be a stream of younger, geeky, nerdy people coming into your career. Anything digital or technological can be helpful.
virgo: i serve – return to the core
For the last three years, Saturn, the Lord of Karma, has been giving you a nudge, asking you to explore your happiness (or lack of), creativity, relationship with children or grandchildren, and encouraging you to be less operational and more entertaining and fun. With Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter sending harmonious aspects to your Sun, particularly in 2020, you were meant to connect to your inner child. But here comes 2021, and the frivolous period is over and now it is time to pull your sleeves up, grab your tools, and return to your core: service, work and organization. You are the cosmic mechanic and we need to fix a lot of things that were broken in 2020.
You might be asking “what is my core?” See above. Your access code to the cosmic ATM is service. In Kabbalah, you are governed by the smallest letter, Yod, which in Hebrew means the “hand.” You are God’s hand. You are to God what Tyrion Lannister was to Khaleesi. In 2021, Saturn, the planet of Understanding (3rd sphere in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life) and Jupiter, the planet of Mercy (4th sphere), are mixing their cosmic rays and projecting them onto Aquarius which falls in your house of service and work. The last time you learned the lessons of service was 1991-1993. Back then, however, you only had Saturn in the house of service, whereas now you also have Jupiter transiting there. The last time the two planets were together in your house of service was 600 years ago. 2021 is a year where you can understand, connect, enhance, and share your true identity, your true colours. You will learn to serve your body through changing your diet; you will comprehend how to serve humanity through your work; you will master the concept of time by refreshing your routine and schedule, and you will learn how to be served by the employees or people under you. Saturn will examine and test you, pressure you to improve and be the best you can, while Jupiter will generate opportunities to share your newfound skills.
In the aftermath of the pandemic, Virgo is the most essential sign for recovery. Virgo is cleanliness, hygiene, health, diet, nutrition, accounting, work, service, nurses, everything we need to get our bodies, as well as our economy, moving again. Any way you look at it, right now we need you — no wonder the Grand Conjunction is in your house of service and work. You are the Super Nanny, the Abbot, the Mother Superior, the merry Mary Poppins, Mr. Clean, the good doctor we all need. So, buckle up, and get ready for a meaningful year of hard work and rewards.
There could be a raise coming but it will force you to work extra hours and face more responsibilities. There also could be a health issue surfacing that might need a change in routine and diet. Pay attention to your skin, bones, teeth, joints (ruled by Saturn); knees, liver, hips, adrenals, pleura, thighs, sciatic nerve (Jupiter). If you are a boss, 2021 is a good time to hire experienced or mature employees.
If you have ever thought about adopting a pet, 2021 is a good year. Pets are said to be governed by your sign, they help heal people, as you do.
libra: i balance – love is in the air
Over the last three years, as Saturn was traveling alongside Pluto in your house of home and family, you have been domesticated. The social butterfly was forced into a cocoon. You were asked to focus your energy on forming a family, doing what is needed to feel secure, create your abode, and deal with ancestral karma. Many Librans had to relocate, become parents, or deal with breakups; some had to say goodbye to their kids are they left the nest to begin their life. But change is coming.
In 2021 you will be able to return to your element (air), spread your wings and fly. Both Saturn, the Lord of Karma, and Jupiter, who brings luck, are moving to your house of love and happiness. For the next few years, Saturn will focus on your happiness, asking you to re-examine what makes your heart smile, and what is fun for you. How do you entertain yourself or others? When was the last time you connected to your inner child, either through a creative project or a hobby, a sport? No need to answer, but there is a need for action around these issues. Saturn together with Jupiter are planning a great year for you, revolving around children, creativity, joy, adventure, sports, and romance. If you have a partner, this is a year to focus on falling in love again, being romantic and creative in your dates. Otherwise, I’m warning you, there might be a secret lover coming to you or your partner. If you don’t have a partner, well, Jupiter will present you with a few candidates. In addition, many couples will find themselves getting pregnant, so if you don’t want to download a soul to earth, take necessary precautions.
I know it might sound strange, but this is a great year to take acting classes, to go out more — the cinema, theatre, concert hall, and museums can become your houses of worship. It is time for you to be playful, fun, and loving. Invite people over for dinner, entertain, have movie nights, and initiate game nights. It is a great year for pyjama parties!
The last time Saturn was in your house of love and children was 1991-1993. However, at that time you did not have Jupiter to help you assimilate the teachings. In 2021 you have the “good cop and the bad cop” acting together to push you towards being creative and happy. These cops will be able to arrest any fears or negative thoughts and that might spoil your party.
The dreaded square between Saturn and Uranus affects your houses of sexuality and love. Make sure you integrate your heart with your sexual organs. There is a need to connect how you feel and what you are attracted to. There could be also some conflict and manipulation around your children, their teachers, coaches, friends’ parents, etc. Jupiter, the giver of gifts, will be in your house of work and health between May 14 – July 27, which can help you heal, find new job opportunities, and fix your diet.
The eclipses in 2019 and 2020 were mostly hard on you since they squared your Sun and caused irritations and even some fears, especially in Jan and July 2020. But now the North Node is in a fellow air sign and much easier for you to handle. During the eclipses you might find yourself trapped between lies and truth, fakery and authenticity. There could be some issues coming up with your relatives and in-laws. The last time that you were asked to deal with these topics was the end of 2001 and all of 2002, as well as 1983-1984. The eclipses will quicken processes that have to do with your education, communication, marketing, sales, contracts, relatives, and travel. You might be inspired to learn a new language or move abroad.
scorpio: i transform – home sweet home
For the last three years, Saturn, the cosmic contractor, has been busy fixing your communications. Like all water signs, your tribe is considered a “mute” sign and, in addition to not being very talkative, you are also the sign of secrets and the occult (a fancy word that means “hidden”). You prefer to listen, absorb, assimilate, strategise, and put on a poker face. But in 2020, when Jupiter entered your house of communication, you were forced to work on expressing yourself and making your needs known. In addition, in 2020, Saturn and Jupiter encouraged you to improve your marketing and self-promotion skills, both of which are challenging concepts for you. Now that is over and, hopefully, you have learned those lessons and you are ready to move to the next level.
In 2021, Saturn (focus) and Jupiter (expansion) are “moving in” with you. In other words, they are coming into your house of home and family. Usually, it is not easy to have Saturn pass in the lowest part of your chart, which is called the “Nadir,” or the foundation of your chart. But, for you, as a Scorpio, going to the basement and visiting foundations is not scary, it is actually familiar. The last time you had Saturn in the house of home and family was 1991-1993. It is important to revisit those years and see what happened in connection to your home, family, emotions, parents, parenting, and security. When Saturn is in your house of home, you are asked to focus on your dwelling place. Some choose to relocate, become parents, renovate, buy a home, or work on emotional patterns that come from family or early childhood. The home is your shell, your protection, therefore Saturn in the house of home can bring about a strong need to feel safer emotionally, financially, and physically.
Having Saturn in an angular house, a place where the planet’s forces are felt more strongly, can be very intense. However, since you also have Jupiter in the same location, it means that Jupiter’s benevolence is enhanced, along with Saturn’s restrictions. The last time both planets were together in that house was over 600 years ago, so this is a cause for celebration. The focus in your life is shifting from business, sales, marketing, communication and logic to home, family, and emotions. I think you will find this transition easier to work with. It does not mean that there will be no more sales or business — if you learned a language it does not disappear if you are mastering a new one. You will be able to bring what you have learned about communication into your family and home sphere. It also could mean you need to change offices or work more from home.
Jupiter will enter Pisces, a fellow water sign, between May 14 – July 27. He will be visiting your house of love and children. That is great for romance, creativity, fun, and happiness.
The eclipses this year are neutral. In 2019, and the first part of 2020, the eclipses were in Cancer, a fellow water sign, making the flow of energy easier to handle. This year, the eclipses are mostly in Gemini and Sagittarius; as air and fire signs, this is a bit more difficult for you to channel. The eclipses in 2021 are forcing you to look at your finances as well as the assets and money of your partner in life or work. The North Node, the Dragon, in the second part of 2020 and all of 2021 is in your native house of sexuality, passion, banking, investments and death. This is great for you since the North Node is pointing at what we have to learn, and this year you are asked to learn a language you already speak very well: intimacy, passion, working with other people’s money and talent, secrets, investigations, and transformation. Music to your ears. There could be an inheritance coming, although this does not mean someone has to die for you to benefit. An inheritance could also manifest as someone you know relocating abroad, and you get their role in the company, or someone retires and hands you their clients, etc. The eclipses can bring back your mojo, reconnect you to what you desire and give you the magic to manifest things you need in your life. Magic is in the air.
sagittarius: i see – finding my voice
For the last three years, Saturn, the Lord of Karma, has been teaching you lessons about finance and self-esteem. You are a generous sign and tend to be overly optimistic, but in the last three years you were asked to limit your spending, learn the value of being frugal, and you have been redefining your values in life. It was not easy living under a budget, and in 2020 Jupiter, your planet, was “fallen” in astrological terms, meaning he was weak and could not come to your rescue as he usually does. This is all changing in 2021. The Grand Conjunction at the end of 2020 commenced a new cycle for you centaurs. The planets of focus (Saturn) and expansion (Jupiter) are moving together into the house of communication, business, writing, marketing, and relatives. In 2021 you will be rewarded by Jupiter if and when you speak up and find your voice. Sagittarius is the sign of the travelling bard who belongs to the age of oral storytelling. Sagittarians are the teachers, the consultants, and the prophets. You are accustomed to other people, fans, admirers, running after you, writing and recording what you teach and say. However, in 2021, the tables are turning, and you need to learn how to take direct responsibility for your message. What do you want to say? How do you plan to spread the word? Who is your target audience? The message could be about your values, a product, your wisdom, experience, knowledge or an art piece.
In addition, both Jupiter and Saturn, acting like the classic “good cop, bad cop,” are encouraging you to start a business or make investments that are long lasting. In the first part of the year (until March 7), you will also enjoy the presence of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, in your house of writing, increasing your intuition and enabling you to channel your message. She also might manifest as a wise woman who comes with good advice and connections. 2021 is also the year you can benefit from being a matchmaker, a connector. Don’t forget to collect your finder’s fees.
Think of 2021 as a crossroads, a junction, a hub, a year you can connect and be connected to people, ideas, clients, products, businesses, and companies. It will be like playing Lego every day, trying to piece the projects together.
What makes 2021 a bit tricky is the fact that the South Node falls in your sign. This means that we are all asked (including you, paradoxically) to let go of Sagittarius. It does not mean we are dumping you, but we are all encouraged to distance ourselves from the dark side of your archetype: fanaticism, over optimism, preachiness, dogma, conspiracy theories, restlessness, and the constant need for change. I don’t want to depress you. This happened previously, at the end of 2001 and 2002, so you can look back and have a second chance to purge yourself of your shadow. In 2021, you will be asked to let go of your ego, your image, persona, or mask and try a new image that fits you better. You will be given the opportunity to reinvent yourself, especially at the eclipse on Dec 4.
The eclipses’ axis this year will be “I versus thou.” If you have a relationship, for good or bad, things will be quickened: either the union will be strengthened or dissolved. If you are single, there is a chance that some exes will return but, hopefully, someone new will walk into your life. After all, the North Node where you have good karma is in the house of relationships and partnership. It is a good year to find your other half. This also could mean collaborations or partnerships at work.
Uranus, the Awakener, is continuing his slow track in the house of work, health, and diet. There has been a great deal of fluctuations and chaos in work, with employees, and your routine, or health. Hopefully, this year things can settle down. Be careful during the first part of the year when Lilith, the dark side of the Moon, continues her march in your house of health and work. Try to maintain a stricter diet to help you overcome health issues and avoid alcohol or anything else that can damage the liver. There may also be intrigues and manipulations with employees and co-workers.
capricorn: i use – talent + self worth
For the last three years, Saturn, your ruler, known as the Lord of Karma, has been in your sign, along with Pluto, the Lord of Death. In 2019, you were asked to add the South Node to your list of guests and in 2020, Jupiter also insisted on joining. It felt like you wanted a small intimate birthday party and your friends kept adding names to the guestlist until suddenly you realized you need to get a bigger venue for your “small” party. The planets were sardined in your sign, no social distancing whatsoever. The drama intensified with the conjunction of Saturn and Pluton in your sign in Jan 12, 2020, which started a long cycle of 40 years which will change the way we deal with your archetype: societal structure, banking systems, economy, energy sources, politics, and resources.
2020 was a year of Capricorn. Saturn, Pluto, Minerva, Jupiter, and South Node have all been in your sign, asking each one of us to focus, make changes, re-evaluate, and to transform our careers, our definitions of success and ambition, and how we deal with authority figures. We have witnessed a great deal of social unrest around the world as a result of these forces of change. The forces your sign represents —tradition, respect for the past and a conservative outlook — were kidnapped by self-promoting populist politicians and you watched in horror. Throughout the pandemic, you felt the world’s weight on your shoulders. Now this nightmare is over. Saturn and Jupiter left Capricorn and Pluto, who has been squatting in your sign since 2008, will be evacuated in 2024. And where are they all headed? To Aquarius, your next-door neighbour. Let the crazy hippies deal with Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn — let’s see if they do it right.
The last three years gave you a chance to rebrand yourself and reinvent who you are as well as how your see yourself. It was a time to change your name, clothes, email, address, look, style, outlook on life, profession, love-map or anything else that defines you. In other words, the last three years made you a new person. Who you were and who you are has utterly changed. What next for the mountain-goats? For the next two years you will be asked to focus and examine your values and the way you make money so that this fits with your newly acquired identity. The last time Saturn, your ruler, was in the house of money, talents, self-worth, and values was 1991-1993. It is recommended that you go back to those years and see what lessons you learned in relation to your income and finance. Overall, Saturn is asking some simple questions: is the way you make money congruent with your values? Are you feeling good about how you generate your income? Are you using your true gifts and talents in your work? If the answers are mostly yes, then Jupiter and Saturn will generate opportunities to increase your income, but even their gifts will be conditioned by hard work, extra discipline, assuming more responsibilities, and an occasional trial or test. However, if you do not like what you do or feel your job demeans you or lowers your self-esteem, this is the best time in 600 years to fix it! The combination of Saturn (focus) and Jupiter (expansion) can help you find a new job, change career, jump into a new sector, invest in a talent you have not yet utilised, and make the changes you want in order to reach your true potential. Remember, your sign’s keywords are “I use.” You have all you need to be a successful Capricorn— all the talents and assets to make it big, you just have to unearth them, and have faith in your abilities.
Having the South Node in your sign from the end of 2018 through the middle of 2020 was not easy either. You had to confront your fear of survival as well as ancient traumas and insecurities. Now you are free from those issues as well. The North Node is in your house of work, health, diet, routine, and service. This is great since it supports your focus on finance and talent. Put the two aspects together and you are asked to find a way to serve humanity using new talents and a newly gained sense of self-worth. Remember this formula: [Talent + (Self-worth) + routine + service] x values = Success. In other words: using and developing your talents backed by a strong sense of self-worth, poured into a disciplined routine, in a sector that can serve others, will bring you success if it is compatible with your values. This is the year where hard work can result in strong financial gains.
The South Node in 2021 has moved to your house of letting go, mysticism, and isolation. It is time to let go of excesses, say goodbye to unhealthy patterns, refrain from isolation, and stop bearing the weight of others on your shoulders, at least for a year.
aquarius: i know – the gospel according to the water bearer
For the last three years, your traditional ruler, Saturn, has been ravaging through your house of pain and suffering; of letting go, past lives, hospitals, jails, you name it. You felt alone, abandoned, isolated from the things you love, feeling as if you were being cocooned. And due to the pandemic, all of humanity was with you in isolation. You are the sign of humanity, so no wonder whatever happens to your clan, happens to us all. To make it even more challenging, Pluto, the Lord of Death, has been in your house of pain and hospitals since 2008; when Jupiter joined these planets in 2020, it was too much to bear even for you, the water bearer, who is used to carrying heavy loads.
From March to July 2020, Saturn moved into your sign, and then returned in December 2020 where he will stay until March 2023. The last time this happened was 1991-1993. You can go back and see what lessons Saturn wanted to teach you then, as they might repeat in a different form. However, the difference in this cycle is that Saturn is flanked by Jupiter, the planet of benevolence and grace. The last time these two planets came together in your sign was in the 1400s, just before the Renaissance. Don’t feel pressured, but, hey, we are expecting something just as grand for humanity.
The Grand Conjunction that took place on the Solstice 2020 opened the door to the Age of Aquarius and in 2024, when Pluto moves to Aquarius for the first time in 250 years, we will feel the Aquarian vibes upon us in full force. As we walk through the Aquarian gateway, we will need your guidance as you will be our pathfinder until we learn to speak Aquarian and converse with your alien brothers and sisters without the need for your translation. The Tarot card for Aquarius is the Star, and it depicts a beautiful naked woman who channels electromagnetic waves through her body as they transform to crystals at her feet (see the Thoth Deck). You can call her an extra-terrestrial Guadalupe, a true Queen of the Heavens. In 2021 we have Saturn, Jupiter, and Minerva in Aquarius, and this means focus, expansion, and wisdom filtered through your archetype: humanitarian work, non-profit activities, democracy and power to the people, equality, technological advances, innovation and youth. As we saw with the Tik-Tok campaign to disrupt the Tulsa rally in 2020, the Z Generation is on the rise and they are the ones best channelling your sign’s energy.
When Jupiter and Saturn are together in your sign, it means you are going through a powerful makeover. It is the best time in 600 years to rebrand yourself, assume a new and more authentic identity, change direction in life, and focus on yourself. I am not saying you have to be selfish (that would be hard for most Aquarians) but I am suggesting you can be more aware of your needs, wants, and requirements so you can manifest your full potential. In 2021 you should tell your hairstylist to try something new, younger, hip. You should start a new workout regimen. Maybe redo your website or whatever you use as a way for people to find you. This year you can become who you have always wanted to be. For the last three years, Saturn tried to strip away whatever was false in your life. Now you are naked and ready to dress in new garments.
Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, will be in your sign until March 7, giving you good advice, guiding you through challenges and providing you with a great deal of creative inspiration. On March 8 she will move her field of expertise to help you improve your finances. From the middle of May to the end of July, Jupiter, the giver of gifts, will be in your house of money, talents and self-worth, giving a boost in your income or a way to connect to a new talent. Together with the influence of Minerva (Jupiter’s favourite daughter) you will be able to use your intellect in a creative way and manifest new projects and opportunities.
pisces: i imagine – returning home to far away
I will explain the subtitle of your sign in a moment, even though, being a Pisces or a Pisces rising, in the back of your mind you might already know what I am talking about.
Saturn, the Lord of Karma, has been rectifying your house of people, friends, companies and how you deal with the government for the last three years. You were forced to re-evaluate your friendships, acquaintances, colleagues; the affiliations, clubs, and organizations you belong to, and anyone you associate with, including fans or clients. Maybe the pandemic helped you understand who your true friends are. If you work in a company, there might have been power struggles, political manoeuvres, or maybe you just got sick and tired of all of it and decided to change your company or workplace. Don’t be concerned if you feel a bit lonely; don’t regret saying goodbye to people around you who were toxic. All of this was to prepare you for what is to come in the next few years as Saturn returns to the 12 house, which is associated with you, the 12th sign.
Every 27-30 years, Saturn returns to the last house of the zodiac system, the house of letting go, isolation, confinement, mysticism, suffering, imagination, and empathy. As you can see, all these aspects of life are said to be related with your sign, so you are coming back home. But the 12th house is also the house of past lifetimes as well as karma, skills, abilities, and traumas you have experienced or collected in previous lives. Yes, you are coming home, but that home might be far away in time and space. In 2021, you will have Saturn in the same place he was in 1991-1993. Whatever you experienced then could be related to what is going on right now. In addition, in those years you were asked to experience the manifestation of memories from past lifetimes. This may have been a visit to a country you used to live in, or meeting a person you knew in previous lives, or studying something you already felt proficient in. These echoes of skills, gifts, and abilities will return in the next three years as you explore your past lives through synchronicities and serendipities.
In 2021 you will also have Jupiter, the benevolent, in the 12th house. He will mitigate some of the more challenging aspects of Saturn’s transit in the house of pain, and allow you to navigate the demands of Saturn with more ease. What does the Lord Karma want from you? Well, he wants you to practice detachment and release. You will encounter situations where you will have to let go, surrender, forfeit, capitulate, say “goodbye” and deal with humanity’s suffering. As a Pisces you have the superpower of empathy. In 2021 you will encounter suffering and pain, not necessarily your own, and you will be asked to be a doctor, nurse, healer, and mother and father to many around you. Jupiter will also be there to guide you; in many ways, helping and serving others will open opportunities in your career and increase your success, even if your work is not connected to what the 12th house represents. Jupiter is the ruler of your career and now he is in your house of past lives, hospitals, retreat, and mysticism. This means that in your career you can benefit from your empathy, imagination, intuition, and psychic abilities. This year you have to meditate and be as mindful as possible.
There is more good news since Jupiter, your traditional ruler, will be visiting your sign from mid-May to the end of July. This will be a breath of fresh air for you and will give you the ability to rebrand yourself and reconnect to your body. In 2022, Jupiter will be in Pisces for the whole year which will open many new doors for you. You will feel like a dolphin returning back to the sea.