Ahead of her workshop this Sunday, angel therapist, medium, healer and teacher Dawn Brown shares her perspective of the current world as a “planetary divine awakening”. Is it time for us to press pause and re-evaluate? To establish a new way moving forward?
We are collectively experiencing the ‘effect’ of a global karmic ‘cause’ announced by upheavals of great magnitude. Climate change, genocides and human rights abuses are among the ‘effects’ that our collective psyche is experiencing as a result of the ‘free will’ choices of the all-pervasive doctrine of materiality.
Materiality is a societal narcissism; its tenets- self-aggrandisement, compulsive and insatiable consumption at whatever cost to others or the planet. It is the negative potential of duality realised: an inflated and unchecked ego born out of the sense of separation from the source.
The advent of COVID-19 can be considered humanities unforeseen ‘inciting incident’ impelling us to re-evaluate our sojourn on the Earth and make decisions on how we would like to evolve at an individual, societal and global level. Such consideration might lead us to away from the deification of consumerism born from separateness and duality.
A divine awakening is underway, a collective remembrance of who we really are: an expression of divinity on this Earth. As part of that remembrance, our sense of our connectedness with all is restored.
The gift of the ‘pause’ from our normalcy gives us an opportunity to go within and connect to the perfection of our true self, our spirit which, as an emanation of the Divine Source, intentionally incarnated here and became an Earth Soul.
Archangels as intermediaries of the Divine are always present but particularly so at times of great change.
‘Divinity’, ‘God-force’ the ‘infinite intelligence’, the ‘Universe’, the ‘Source’, whatever appellation resonates with you, is often experienced as an indescribable vibration of light radiating love and compassion by people who have had near-death experiences.
It is probable, that resident as we are in the denser energy of matter, that we are unable to directly connect with Divine light. (I have only had one experience of sensing this powerful and overwhelming vibration of light whilst I was with a client close to death – she was all too familiar with its comforting energy).
The Archangels are in service to Divinity and their vibration of light has been calibrated to connect with both humanity and divinity in parallel. They are constantly engaged in imparting knowledge of Divinity and its messages to humankind and in turn reporting to Divinity on the human condition of separateness.
Their presence at these times is referred to in many forms of religion including Christianity.
Archangel Michael is considered the ‘the leader of the way’ through upheavals, supporting and giving strength to those who are committed to a spiritual path and apply themselves in the practice of prayer and meditation to animate that connection.
As we dedicate our attention to spiritual awakening and remembrance of who we are and demonstrate faith in Divinity and its plans we are signalling that we are ready for the next stage of our ascension. We are never alone and assistance is given in moving people forward according to restoring the initial Divine plan on the planet. Our contribution rests on expanding our consciousness as individuals and by doing so we raise the collective vibrations of the Earth and Universe and have the potential to remove the Karmic effects described above.
The negativity of the ego and it’s desire for control is quieted and we surrender, remaining positive about our individual, collective and planetary future, in acceptance and trust that all is happening in Divine right time and order for our evolution. We apply our learned spiritual principles to our life and transcend the external circumstances by making free-will choices which serve our inner equilibrium knowing that we will be supported by the loving and compassionate celestial realms.
On Sunday, 28 March, Dawn welcomes anyone with an open heart and a desire to explore, develop and strengthen an intimate relationship with the Angels and Divinity for inner peace and tranquillity to join her workshop – connect to your angels for inner peace in challenging times. Dawn also offers angelic guidance + healing treatments online with triyoga, currently available for bookings.
Through her coaching and popular in-person and online courses and workshops, Dawn assists people to achieve self-mastery and transcend the old subconscious karmic patterns, heal the ‘spiritual bruises’ of trauma, release unexplained phobias and anxieties and blocks. She has provided support to thousands of souls as they restore their connection to the Angels and Divinity and co-creating a life according to their true purpose on this earth: a return to joy.