The winter months post-Christmas have a reputation for being the most depressing time of the year. However I like to see it however as an occasion of renewal and rejuvenation. Not a time to burn yourself out, but rather a time to feed your body, mind and soul with good old fashioned self-care:
nourish your body – foods to enjoy an abundance of
water: essential for life, detoxification, rehydration and body chemistry. Keep hydrated with 1 ½ to 2 litres of clean, filtered water daily.
half a squeezed lemon in warm water first thing upon waking: for its alkalising and liver cleansing benefits.
antioxidant rich booster foods: are a superior source of nutrient dense fuel for the body, e.g. acai berries, maca powder, raw cacao, coconut oil, spirulina, green tea, ghee, blueberries and dark green leafy vegetables.
organic, brightly coloured fruit and vegetables: think of the spectrum of the colours of the rainbow. Each colour contains unique antioxidant properties.
root vegetables: furthermore nourish the spleen and adrenals, offering grounding support, e.g. sweet potato, butternut, Jerusalem artichoke and beetroot.
green super foods: boast extremely high concentrations of chlorophyll, nutrients, and healthy bacteria. Instrumental in alkalising and promoting clean healthy blood, e.g. spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, alfalfa, wheat grass and seaweed.
fermented foods: are rich in beneficial bacteria, enzymes and vitamins. Great for bowel health and enhanced immunity, e.g. miso, sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha.
healthy fats: are critical to the integrity of every cell in our body, especially in the winter months, e.g. flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, fish oil, coconut oil, butter, almonds, walnuts and chia seeds.
spices: turmeric, garlic, chili, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper and cloves offer antioxidant and circulatory stimulant properties to soothe, warm and restore.
quality protein sources: fish (preferably wild), organic lamb, eggs and chicken, goat and sheep produce, quinoa, amaranth, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.
nourish your mind + soul
breathe: the breath is our essential life force. When we breathe consciously, we step into our true potential of physical, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing.
sleep: aim for at least eight hours of sleep every night. Our body repairs itself when we are sleeping. Every hour of sleep before midnight is our body’s equivalent of two hours of sleep.
shower nightly: to wash away the day’s energies and worries and to relax and prepare your body for a good night’s sleep.
mindfulness + meditation: the mind is a powerful tool. Practice daily mindfulness. Be the observer of your life, rather than simply the participant. Meditation induces a state of calmness, positivity and mental clarity in daily life.
de-clutter your space: the profound affect of ‘clearing out the clutter’ offers room and space for new opportunities and creativity to flourish.
get creative: be it writing, singing, playing music, cooking, sketching, doodling, dreaming. Use your imagination and get inspired about life.
get out into nature: frequent your nearest park or river. Even better, get out into the countryside. Fresh country air revitalizes the body, mind and soul.
treat yourself: Epsom salt baths, essential oils, massage, acupuncture, energy healing and saunas all offer rejuvenation, nourishment and balance.
fun + play: Life can be serious, particularly during the winter months. Laugh. Be childlike. Lighten up. Watch a comedy. Go to a stand up.
essential oils: A few drops of lavender on your pillowcase can help to relax the body and mind. Frankincense is great for stress relief. (Though avoid during in pregnancy).
light exercise: yoga, Pilates, walking, swimming, jogging etc.
make an appointment with a naturopath: for a yours truly, tailor made, health and wellbeing full body MOT.
Break the mould in 2015 and embark on a new way of doing things. It’s time!
With a special interest in women’s health and hormones, Merran is a registered naturopath, medical nutritionist, herbalist, homeopath and columnist and offers private appointments across three of triyoga’s practices in Primrose Hill, Chelsea and Soho. Consultations comprise of a comprehensive analysis of one’s health imbalances, medical history, underlying pathologies, genetic susceptibilities, key deficiencies and dietary and lifestyle habits.
Based on your unique requirements, a complementary tailor-made wellness pack is then emailed after each consultation, comprising of high-grade nutritional supplements and/or herbal medicines and dietary/lifestyle recommendations. Clinical investigations may also be recommended where necessary via your GP, or through specialist path lab testing.
New Year Wellness Package: buy an initial consultation AND a follow up consultation and receive £30 off your total fee. Offer expires 28th February. Offer available for use from six weeks from date of purchase.
To book an appointment, contact triyoga reception on 020 7483 3344. Or for more information, visit or