Acupuncturist Alison Pickering discusses the foundations of five element acupuncture and how this ancient therapy can help us navigate these times of profound change. Discover ways to embrace the polarities of life, re-balance and find a bit of joy during the summer season.
triyoga Camden is opening an urgent care clinic on Thursday 11th June 2020. Acupuncture treatments as well as osteopathy will be available to those needing immediate support.
We are living through a time of profound change which is affecting all of us in very different ways – mentally, emotional and physically. Acupuncture is an effective treatment to help improve overall health and wellbeing by enhancing the body’s immune system to keep illness at bay. Given these challenging times, acupuncture is also proven to provide relief from anxiety, stress, insomnia and pain, bringing the body back into harmony and balance.
The five elements all work within each other to maintain such balance, transforming into each other as they move. This concept is also seen in the polarity of yin and yang. Chinese medicine and Tao philosophy puts much weight into the concept of duality: positive, negative, male, female, light and dark. Best visualised through the yin yang symbol, dark within light within dark within light. Never ending, continuous and free flowing. The world is going through some darker times but the light will come again.
In Five Element theory, June marks the start of the Summer season and according to Chinese medicine summer is the season of the fire element – which relates to the emotion of joy and of the heart. Within the cycle of nature this is a time for enjoying the sun, feeling its warmth, spending time with family and friends and allowing our joy to flow freely. This year the effects of lockdown mean most of us are probably finding it harder to get in touch with our inner joy, we miss our friends and family and we feel a little blocked and less joyful. This is where five element acupuncture can help as it works to restore that balance, re-energise and bring that duality back into check.
Alison Pickering is now offering acupuncture every Thursday at triyoga Camden, and from 14th July 2020 in Chelsea. Click here to book an appointment with Alison.
Alison Pickering has been practising for five years providing an integrated combination of Five Element and TCM acupuncture, she also incorporates reiki and ayurveda into her treatments providing a treatment that is tailored to you and your specific needs so that your body and mind return to a state of natural healthy balance and wellbeing.
Treatment involves initial consultation in order to identify the nature of any imbalance with follow up treatments to improve and maintain results for the long term. Treatment is also prevention orientated, so ideal for those also looking to maintain a healthy balance and lifestyle. Common issues that Alison treats are: mental and emotional well-being, pain, insomnia, fertility, skin conditions, headaches, sports injuries and long-term health conditions.