Homeopathy is a holistic, natural system of healing, used to treat acute and chronic conditions with the use of highly diluted plant and mineral based substances. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, based on the theory of treating like with like.
1. The homeopathic remedy Belladonna is made from the plant deadly nightshade. In the 16th century, Italian ladies used deadly nightshade to make their eyes sparkle, hence the name “bella donna”, which is Italian for “beautiful woman.” It can help fever, burns and blushing.
2. Homeopathic remedies are not addictive and have no known ‘side effects’ – so they can be used safely with babies, the elderly and pregnant women.
3. The homeopathic remedy Coffea is made from coffee and – as oppossed to coffee in its crude form – it actually helps to relieve sleeplessness and insomnia.
4. The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1830 and there has always been a Royal Homeopathic Doctor. The Queen carries her ‘black box’ of homeopathic remedies with her on all her travels.
5. Homeopathic Chamomilla is a popular remedy to help calm babies during teething.
Click here to discover homeopathy at triyoga and how this profound natural practice can help you…
Facts by hompeopath Keri Williams.