kundalini: good fortune + prosperity

Start your Easter Weekend by opening your heart through  a very special Kundalini meditation + gong relaxation. Find out what’s in store…

‘The best way to explain prosperity is to say it is like a rosebud when it flowers and opens up to share its fragrance…..When a man or woman is prosperous, it is the fragrance of security, grace, depth, character and truthfulness that a person can share. Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity.’ – Yogi Bhajan

How do prosperity and spirituality go together?

To be fully embodying, what it means to be prosperous is to be overflowing with an ‘attitude of gratitude’ for the precious gift of life. In order to feel utterly abundant we must be fully in touch with the spirit of generosity. Sharing selflessly with others, for the sheer joy of giving opens us up to receiving cosmic gifts from the universe that money can’t buy!

Walking the path of the soul and fulfilling ones true destiny with contentment, ease and grace is the purest and most precious wealth we can ever hope to manifest. The universe holds all the jewels of good fortune and is patiently waiting to place them in your crown, when you decide that you are ready to step into your magnificence and shine your brightest light.

How can we invoke the wealth of the universe into our lives?

Yogi Bhajan beloved master of Kundalini yoga left us with the most remarkable technology to help us navigate our way through life in a bountiful and blissful way. Two of the most profound practices he graced us with will be shared with you in this workshop.

What to expect?

The session will be mentally and physically challenging but will not require any former experience, Just a whole lot of will power, stamina and determination. The more energy and commitment you put in, the greater the benefits and the deeper the healing will penetrate. In both kriyas we will explore the Naad (sacred sound current) in conjunction with movements specifically designed to correct the psyche and unlock hidden potential.

The calm after the storm will be a luxurious double gong bath to integrate the deep transformational work. All you have to do is lay down and let the crystal singing bowls soothe you to sleep.

The tones of the Earth gong will work to release and relax you helping to ground the experience into every cell. The Venus gong will bathe you in her vibrations of beauty, abundance, love and harmony.

What will I gain from the workshop?

You will leave the session with a personal practice should you wish to deepen the experience and continue with the kriyas at home for even more profound results. The workshop will put you in an uplifted high vibrational space to enjoy your Easter weekend with a peaceful mind, refreshed outlook and a calm and open heart!

‘The Three Laws of Prosperity: Be kind to everyone. Speak not ill of others. Speak not ill of yourself.’ – Yogi Bhajan

Kwali Kumara (aka. Hari Bhajan Kaur) is a magnetic, uplifting and inspiring kundalini yoga and gong meditation teacher. Trained at Karam Kriya with Shiv Charan Singh she is a fully certified level 1 & 2 member of Kyta. A nurturing nature blended with experience and dedication is dynamic and encouraging. Her confidence, energy and enthusiasm for the teachings of Yogi Bhajan is infectious and motivating. With a passion for people and a commitment to serve she creates a heartfelt high vibrational sacred space for healing and transformation to occur.

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