30 days of yoga week three – pitta

This week we’ll be delving into fire! Pitta dosha is a combination of the elements of fire and water within us – elements which bring about purification and transformation. Pitta is characterised by qualities of intensity, heat, sharpness, acidity, lightness and oiliness.

We’ve all been there: frustrated, irritable, short-tempered and impatient. But if this is becoming the main backdrop to your life it may be that there is increased ‘pitta’ or ‘fire’ in your system.

Pitta’s physical characteristics + physiological tendencies
When in balance pitta types enjoy expressing themselves physically by generating a healthy appetite for life, love and food and good digestion. They possess radiant complexion, abundant energy and sound sleeping patterns.
When out of balance the heat of pitta, which was originally aiding good digestion, can tip over to cause heartburn and indigestion. Glowing skin can become inflamed with rashes, whilst the plentiful energy turns into being-hyper active and over-stressed.

Pitta’s emotional characteristics
When in balance pitta types possess great wit, sharp intellect, clear decision making along with a hard-working ethos and ambitious drive.
When out of balance the once bright wit and keen intellect may distort into being sharp tongued and critical. The decisiveness tips into being impulsive whilst the ambitious drive befalls into the realms of being controlling and overly competitive.

Balancing pitta with lifestyle, diet + gentle practices
Yoga, naturally, is one of the best ways to restore balance and harmony to our lives and ourselves. By practising and moving through our yoga postures with a willingness to slow down and surrender carries the key to transforming the excessive heat of pitta to a calmer cooler and more level ground.

The breath plays a vital role and is instrumental in releasing heat, tension and stress from the body, mind and heart through steady, slow and complete exhalations. Swimming and walking are also beneficial to pacifying pitta by burning off the extra heat, but be sure to avoid strong physical activity during the hottest parts of the day as this can lead to over heating! For overall harmony and balance, pitta types may also want to focus on exploring the following…

– Ease up on strict daily routines so that relaxation and free time can be enjoyed.
– Get creative and try out something new like a different yoga class, style or body treatment that you have never tried before…who knows what you’ll discover!
– Remove unnecessary time pressures
– Eat raw cooling foods like cucumber, leafy greens, avocado and melon
– Freshly cooked foods like barley, rice, oats and beans
– Have regular meals to keep the inner fire gently stoked
– Enjoy calm environments – especially to eat in
– Drink mint, fennel and/or chamomile tea
– Take time in nature

Finally, one of the best remedies for pitta is ‘surrender’ – to cultivate an acceptance and understanding of the natural laws of life and that we can’t control everything, but we can transform ourselves.

Contemplation for this week
Consider what you would like to surrender, purify and transform in your thought patterns, habits, movement quality, behaviour or relationships.


Finally, click on the image above to watch week three’s video on YouTube on pitta dosha.

The 30 days of yoga: ayurveda for health and well-being is taking place at triyoga from 01st – 30th November. Each week focuses on a different dosha with lifestyle advice and contemplations that you can feed into life, both on and off your yoga mat.

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