let’s talk about BodyTalk for women

Eighth of March was International Women’s Day 2021. A day where people around the world come together to commemorate and celebrate the achievements of women. One of the main missions of International Women’s Day is to assist women to be in a position of power to make informed decisions about their health.

As a healthcare practitioner, MY mission is to encourage and uplift women, helping them to transform their mindbody health far beyond what they think is possible. This is a shift from sub-optimal health to radical wellbeing. Who says it’s not possible? Through BodyTalk – an amazing state of the art science-based healthcare system – it TOTALLY is!

What is BodyTalk? 

BodyTalk is a revolutionary science-based, intuitive whole healthcare system. Founded by Dr John Veltheim in 2000, the BodyTalk System is practised in over 50 countries worldwide. It integrates a unique blend of the latest research in western medicine with ancient and modern holistic healing methods.

A BodyTalk practitioner can ‘talk to the body’ and find out exactly what’s wrong and how to fix it. This is a new paradigm of healthcare – and it’s a game changer. Body Talk is a unique and tailored healthcare system that enables a a practitioner to identify the stories behind the symptoms. We can then facilitate the rebalancing of countless health priorities across every level of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and energetic health and wellbeing.  Learn More.

When all of the atoms, cells, tissues and systems of a person’s body ‘communicate’ with each other, healing occurs naturally. However due to modern stressors e.g. trauma, toxins, radiation, stress, anxiety, poor diet,  antibiotics, surgery, insomnia and poor immune and gut health, our body’s communication circuits begin to break down. The result is a deterioration of mind/body health and harmony which over time can give rise to a myriad of health imbalances, from minor ailments to more serious health conditions.

The Benefits of BodyTalk for Women: 

There are so many benefits to receiving a BodyTalk session, through which we can tap into the body’s amazing capacity to heal. BodyTalk  has helped women in the following areas:

  • brain health: optimising memory, cognitive health and clarity of thought
  • mental health: boosting self-confidence, inner calm and much more
  • sleep: recalibrating the sleep/wake cycle, assisting with difficulties falling asleep and waking during the night
  • stress: reduced mental and emotional stress. Harmonising work stress, relationship stress. It’s also great for PTSD and panic attacks
  • digestive health: healthy gut function, gut microbiome health, efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients
  • emotional health: boosting confidence and connections with others. Releasing past emotional pain, trauma + fears
  • energy/vitality: regulating healthy energy levels to support work/life balance and general zest for life
  • fertility: preconception care, pregnancy support, menstrual regulation, hormonal balancing, IVF support
  • hormonal health: menstrual health, hormone balancing e.g. thyroid, adrenal, pancreas health, reproductive health, menopause support
  • immune health: lymphatic clearance, immune system optimisation, reducing sensitivities to food and environmental triggers
  • intuition: enhancing intuition faculties (something we all have access to!)
  • lymphatic drainage: promoting the release of physical, mental, emotional and energetic toxins across the body and mind
  • skin health: supporting healthy, clear, balanced skin
  • anti-ageing: biohacking the body’s epigenetic age. Optimising brain health, belief systems around ageing, fertility health, skin, hair and so much more
  • women’s health: all aspects of a women’s physical, emotional, mental and energetic health and happiness.

The amazing thing about BodyTalk is that it takes into account your ‘whole life narrative’.  Every experience and choice we’ve made across the course of our live has contributed to our current state of health and wellbeing. Every laugh line, wrinkle, injury and scar has its own unique story. It’s a BodyTalk practitioner’s job to find these interwoven stories. The stories behind the symptoms are the key to healing.

Merran Lusher ND is a London-based naturopath, BodyTalk practitioner, herbalist, nutritionist, energy worker and intuitive, offering cutting edge science-based holistic health consultations and healing for mind, body and soul. Other natural therapies blending into treatments include: reiki, homeopathy, functional medicine, metaphysics, dietary advice, lifestyle coaching and various other naturopathic diagnostic techniques.  

Merran consults from her distance healthcare clinic offering private consultations, treatments and healing to clients in over twenty countries. She also consults across her established clinic at triyoga, Camden, North London. With fourteen years’ experience and eight years full time tertiary training, Merran has conducted over 10,000 clinical hours and draws upon a wealth of experience. Learn what people say about Merran here

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