online therapies: bodytalk + how it works

therapy focus, bodytalk at triyoga woman closed eyes gazing through window

BodyTalk practitioner and triyoga therapist, Merran explains all about BodyTalk, an intuitive, whole-healthcare system grounded in science. Using a variety of tools, techniques and strategies, an experienced practitioner can ‘talk with the body’ and identify, fix and balance thousands of priority issues across the many layers of the mind-body-energy complex. And the great news is, BodyTalk can be done remotely from anywhere in the world, so you can enjoy and benefit from this therapy at home.

BodyTalk addresses the ‘stories behind the symptoms’, which is where true healing really takes place. Every health issue and symptom (such as food intolerances or back pain) has a story to it, a history, usually comprised of a complex collective of causative layers; be they structural, biochemical, emotional, microbial, hormonal, neurological, genetic, epigenetic or energetic. It could be childhood, work or relationship stress or a combination of some or all of the above. An experienced BodyTalk practitioner can unlock these stories and, in the process, transform your mind-body health to a whole new level.

What can you expect from an online treatment?
The practitioner will discuss and review with you your health and wellness goals and presenting health concerns. Throughout the course of your treatment, your practitioner will take notes and explain, step by step, the priority mind-body issues that are coming up to be corrected. The only thing required from you is transparency and an open mind.

Every BodyTalk session is different for every person, every time. In each session, we go deeper. A bit like peeling away the layers of an onion; unravelling and resolving new priority mind-body issues as they come to light. People often feel relaxed, sometimes energised, other times tired. There are no side effects with BodyTalk – so, however your body decides to process the session is exactly as it needs to be.

At the end of the session, your practitioner may recommend some after care advice and a suitable time for a follow up appointment.

BodyTalk for immune protection and defence
From an immune perspective, some of the main areas of focus that a practitioner may identify and balance during a BodyTalk session include:

  • Immune health: anti-viral defence, inflammation, allergies, food intolerances, environmental sensitivities, microbiome disruption, tumour defence, tissue repair, immune tolerance and partnership with the microbiome, lymphatic drainage, immune cell optimisation and autoimmunity.
  • Detoxification: promoting the release of physical, emotional and energetic toxins held across the mind-body-energy complex.
  • Stress: alleviating mental and emotional stress, work and relationship stress, PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks etc. Note: stress negatively impacts the immune system: when the body is in sympathetic mode (fight/flight response), zero percent healing occurs. ONLY in parasympathetic mode (when relaxed) can the body begin to heal and repair.
  • Digestive health: as 80% of the immune system is in the gut, supporting healthy gut function, liver detoxification, gut brain health, gut microbiome health abdominal lymphatic detoxification are all important areas of focus.

The benefits of BodyTalk
Aside from correcting many of the primary health and wellness issues a person may need support with, additional reported benefits of BodyTalk that clients often notice in the days and weeks that follow include: increased health and vitality; more energy; less stress; stronger immune health; reduced stress and anxiety; enhanced sleep quality and improved mood.

Whether you have an acute sniffle or a chronic immune issue, are stressed, anxious, run down, or simply in need of a health MOT, an immune-boosting, stress-reducing, mood-balancing BodyTalk session may be just what you need.

Curious? Book a BodyTalk session with Merran Lusher online at triyoga.

Developed by Dr John Veltheim in 2000, BodyTalk is now practised across 50 countries worldwide and has been rolled out in various hospitals in Germany, the United States and Brazil.

Merran Lusher, ND is a New Zealand born and Australian trained Naturopath, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Medical Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist, Body Intuitive, Energy Worker, Homeopath, Reiki Practitioner and Published writer. With over thirteen years’ experience and eight years full time tertiary training, Merran has conducted over 10,000 clinical hours.

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