looking after your immunity naturally

essential massage oils

Caroline Gaskin, triyoga therapist homeopath and holistic health coach, advises us on how to look after our immunity with natural remedies.  Caroline has been a therapist at triyoga for nearly 20 years, and is now offering online sessions. 

Breath + nervous system 

Test your breath each morning. Breathe in fully and hold your breath. Count calmly to whatever your comfortable capacity is, then let the breath out. Repeat daily and, if you cannot hold your breath for as long as normal, think about tools to calm your nervous system – an online yoga class, a short guided meditation, or an online treatment.


  • Essential fatty acids and a plant-sourced vitamin C are a good place to start. Supplements containing red algae help fight viral conditions and many mushrooms are helpful. Take advice if you are going to use anything more potent like oregano oil. 
  • Take a probiotic and eat fermented foods – 80% of our immune response is in the gut.
  • Take an antioxidant – antioxidants helps us defeat free radicals. There are many different antioxidants and pycnogenol is specific to support the lungs.


  • Eat a plate of organic salad leaves each day or a green shake made with green superfoods like wheatgrass, barleygrass, alfalfa and oatgrass
  • Nibble on some Atlantic dulse seaweed to increase iodine, which is fundamental in our immune response.


  • Nettles are really nourishing – nettle tea or a soup made from fresh nettles – there are tips online if you like the idea of foraging as part of your daily exercise. 
  • Green tea is a potent antioxidant. Brew it at 80C to get the most benefit. 
  • Add the juice of half a lemon for extra vitamin and a teaspoon of English heather honey for its antiviral properties. Slice in some fresh ginger and turmeric as they are anti-inflammatory. Add crushed garlic which has many benefits. Add 20 drops of Echinacea tincture which is shown to increase white blood cells. Please note: avoid garlic if you are on blood thinning medication.


  • The remedy Ferrum Phos is often prescribed for the onset of any cold or flu symptoms in 6x or 30c to take hourly for 6 hours. This is one of my favourite remedies for the early stages and is especially helpful for lung conditions
  • If you have a homeopathic first aid kit you’ll see that remedies like Aconite, Arsen Alb and Gelsemium are these symptoms like low fever and feeling extremely tired with muscles aches in the upper back. 

Self-care for immunity

  • Keeping hydrated is absolutely fundamental.
  • Take a warm Himalayan or Epsom Salt bath to relax muscles, sooth nerves and restore mineral levels.
  • Make or buy elderberry syrup which is proven to support the lungs and take an antioxidant if you have underlying lung issues.
  • Pop some essential oils in a diffuser. Pine, clove, grapefruit, cinnamon, tea tree, lemongrass are wonderful.

As ever you must seek medical attention if you are concerned about symptoms.  Homeopaths and naturopaths are trained to look at the actual symptoms and how disease is for you. We explore the individual’s susceptibility to disease, family history and life choices. 

Take care of yourself and look after family and friends.

Caroline has worked as a Homeopath, Flower Essence prescriber and health coach for over 20 years, and supports clients of all ages with both physical and emotional issues. She is a hormonal health expert and specialises in Managing Menopause Naturally. She draws on her experience of holistic parenting, organic lifestyle and permaculture, as well as her extensive natural health knowledge.

Caroline offers online consultations, click here to book.  A detailed health history is taken at the first appointment and the consultation price includes a health plan with recommendations for dietary, supplement and lifestyle which is emailed after your consultation. 



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