complimentary + holistic therapies

Focusing on re balancing , stabilizing and treating your health concerns and well being our team can off you alternative ways to gain results our treatments include acupuncture, reflexology, energy healing and access bars

access bars

Access bars is a hands on process which can help improve overall well-being and health and help with sleep problems, weight loss, anxiety as well as relationship issues. It consists of 32 specific “bars-points” that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During the access bars session a practitioner gently touches these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, feelings, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have caused limitations in life thus helping with release and healing.

Access body process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements around the body channeling specific energies into each spot.

Access energetic facelift a special body process that helps in rejuvenation of the face as well as the body.

ayurvedic consultation

Through attentive pulse reading the Ayurvedic practitioner can interpret subtle imbalances in the doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Stress, impaired digestion, travel and irregular hours may all contribute in pushing health out of balance. An Ayurvedic program utilises appropriate nutrition and lifestyle for your unique type. Herbs, therapies, relaxation, yoga and meditation also assist your body’s ability to naturally return to balanced health.


Acupuncture is a system of healing which has been practiced in China and other Eastern countries for over 3,000 years. It is based upon principles which aim to achieve balance and harmony within the body. Fine Needles are gently inserted into carefully selected points on the channels of the body to stimulate the healing process. Acupuncture is now incorporated into NHS services. Some of the conditions that can be treated by Acupuncture are: Stress, anxiety, panic attacks, weight loss, fertility issues, back pain, insomnia, migraines and addiction.

Medical acupuncture is a form of dry needling (acupuncture) where the needles are inserted in painful and tight points in the muscles to alleviate pain, improve flexibility and prevent injuries. The main difference between medical acupuncture (Western) and Chinese Acupuncture (Eastern) in that medical acupuncture is focused on helping with skeleto-muscular complaints, looking at muscle restrictions and trigger points, The Medical Acupuncture session consists of taking client’s medical history, examination regarding current pain condition, Medical acupuncture can help with most acute and chronic pain conditions (such as lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and migraine, knee pain, tennis elbow and others) The session length typically is 60min but follow up 30 min sessions can be very effective if necessary.


BodyTalk is a revolutionary science-based, intuitive whole healthcare system. It integrates a unique blend of the latest research in western medicine, with ancient and modern holistic healing methods. A BodyTalk practitioner can facilitate in correcting and balancing a myriad of health issues across the many aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and energetic health and well-being.

Modern day stressors like viruses, trauma, toxins, smoking, radiation, stress, anxiety, fear, infections, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, antibiotics, medications, surgery and inadequate sleep etc. all negatively stress and strain our body’s communication circuits and pathways. The result – is a deterioration of mind/body health and harmony. The beauty of BodyTalk – is that a practitioner can ‘talk to your body’ and identify the stories behind the symptoms. Find out exactly what’s wrong and how to fix it. The BodyTalk system has been rolled out across 50 countries and hospitals in Germany, Brazil and the USA. Click here to learn more.

Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Herbs are prescribed to restore energy balance to the opposing forces of energy – Yin and Yang – that run through invisible channels in the body.

A Chinese medicine consultation will includes:

  • Tongue diagnosis
  • Point prescriptions for self massage with demonstration and guidance on location and use.
  • Relevant dietary and lifestyle advice in relation to the principles of Chinese medicine.
  • Guided meditations for grounding and centering to help with anxiety and emotional imbalance
  • Mantras and affirmations from the Taoist tradition for mental wellness
  • Qigong exercises, tailored to the individual, to promote health and well being
  • Healing sounds for self practice, with demonstrations and guidance on use
  • Distance qi healing


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle but profound and powerful hands-on therapy which identifies pain and tensions held in the body. It supports the body’s natural tendency to find health and optimum balance by relieving the body of its tensions and is a gentle but profound and powerful hands-on therapy which identifies pain and tensions held in the body.

EFT and cognitive treatments

EFT – Emotional freedom technique
RRT – rapid transformation therapy


Homeopathy  is a gentle, holistic natural system of healing, suitable for everyone, Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, based on the theory of treating “like with like ” your specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting + beneficial effects.

maya medicine

Traditional Maya Medicine is a comprehensive system of natural medicine that has flourished in Maya culture for around four thousand years. Based on the principles of balancing the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space + the interconnectedness of man + the cosmos, Maya Medicine heals by revitalizing + grounding the life force energy inherent in all beings. Working at this core level, symptoms are traced back to the source of imbalance so that age-old problems and health issues can be cured, enhancing personal growth + potential.


Naturopathy is a complete system of natural health care which prevents, balances and supports a multitude of conditions of the body and mind. By integrating conventional health sciences with nutritional, herbal and homeopathic remedies, naturopathy works to realign your mental, emotional and physical being.

A Naturopath is trained to view each individual uniquely and to furthermore address the underlying cause of the issue, not simply the superficial symptoms that manifest.

During the consultation, a comprehensive case analysis and examination is taken, followed by an individualised treatment programme, highlighting recommended supplements, dietary and lifestyle advice and investigations where necessary.

Please note: some therapists offer “1st appointment” and “follow up” appointments. Please be sure to book a 1st appointment if this is your first time visiting a new therapist.


What we eat is vitally important to our wellbeing and Nutritional Therapy is a form of complementary medicine in which a practitioner will work with a patient or client around this issue. The treatment involves helping the body rid itself of stressful substances, providing raw materials, and improving the assimilation of food in order to aid physical repair. A nutritional programme is developed based on an individual assessment. Nutritional supplementation, dietary and lifestyle changes are the basis of treatment encouraging the body to rebalance and return to optimum health.


Reflexology is based on the principal that the body is mapped onto the feet, hands and ears and that working specific pressure points brings about change in the corresponding organs, glands or structures of the body. It is thought to help the free flow of energy around the body by improving the circulation and stimulating the organs of elimination. This is believed to bring the body back to a state of equilibrium, thereby promoting the body’s natural healing power.


Reiki is one of the oldest healing arts, which heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibrations of the energy field in and around the physical body to assist in healing and to enhance emotional and physical well-being.

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